AGM-65B Issue?

So prior to Alpha Strike, using the A10A, I could launch AGM-65Bs at +10km. Sure they took forever to get to their target, but I could successfully lock and fire. Now with Alpha Strike I’m lucky if I can lock at 5km. I’m talking clear weather, tank in the open, everything. Stat card still says 23km launch range.

Any suggestions? Is this a bug?


23km mean it can fly 23km, but most time, it means nothing, the seeker will say no. AGM-65B in datamine has 12km vehicle lock range and 12km ground lock range. 12 is only a parameter not actually mean 12km. In actually use, the seek can lock a vehicle in about 5km if the weather is good. actual lock range of ground will be longer. In this update, gaijin separated vehicle lock mode and ground lock mode, you can check the official DEV thread.
So, in old time, you can launch because you lock on ground, now, you need to click once more to lock on ground.

-snip - need to try before.

all tv guided missle have same bug

I’ve just experinced the same issue.
Is there a bug report?

I’m having the same issue, I used to get about 2 kills everytime I pulled out my A-10A with Mavericks but man oh man these last couple of days I’ve literally had 0. My missiles are not tracking properly I’m just getting hits, had a match on Sinai where I pulled in on 8 enemy tanks in the open field and launched all 6 on different targets and I kid you not I didn’t even get as much as a critical hit, all launched under 7km range 0 kills, after this instance I went numb and debated calling it quits on life because I thought I won the A10 lottery. In the meantime I can’t play my Leclerc without getting boinked by a Kh-38 mailed to me from a different time zone.😢

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It’s a TV sensor. What are the conditions that you were firing in?

7km is too far, you need to check if it’s tracking a vehicle or lock on ground

I said under, they all locked on enemy tanks.

I had good locks over 8km.

But no lock at all in night battles, no features to fired them blind.

so i assume
[POINT] locks at up to 23km?
[TRACK] locks at up to 8km?

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That seems about right, as you can both point and shoot,… but in game you can’t send the AGM-65B if it’s only pointed,… it seems flawed on this point.

You can do “Point-Riffle” with an AGM-65D in game (A-10A late)

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