- Yes
- No
Hello First of all i would like to point out that there is no roundel or decal related to Afghanistan’s military whatsoever in War Thunder except Afghanistan’s flag. Afghanistan has extensive combat history in the last few decades using various soviet vehicles and others. Just to name a few are T-55 and T-62 in terms of armored vehicles, Mig-15, Mig-21, Aero L-39C and A-29 Super Tucano in terms of planes and Mi-17 and Mi-35 in terms of helicopters. Since War Thunder is a global game and not restricted to any region, i am sure there are people including me who would appreciate the Afghan Armed Forces decal ingame although it may be small minority. Just as any other country, Afghanistan also deserves to have its decal in game. For comparison, Several of Afghanistan’s neighboring and other countries in the region have its own decals/roundels ingame such as Iran, Pakistan and India and in my honest opinion so should Afghanistan. I have been playing War Thunder on a regular basis for several years and have been a paid contributor to the game, having the Afghan Armed Forces decal ingame would surely bring sentimental value to me and many others. Therefore i kindly request War Thunder developers to please consider having the decal ingame.