AESA, Datalink, and Sensor Fusion

The list is only for air to air missiles but yes, we’re also missing a bunch of air to ground ordnances. Maybe even more than air to air.

AIM-174 ia already included. AIM-120C-7 to my understanding does not offer increased range over C-5 like AIM-120C-8 and D does. Differences might be similar as AIM-120A vs AIM-120B.


Any sources?

Bro, are you looking from Wikipedia?

I hope you’re not looking at Wikipedia, I’m looking at Russian sources.

RVV-BD - export version of the R-37M missile. Remember the R-77 missile, which was renamed RVV-AE - the export name of the missile. But for some reason in WT the export missiles are no different from the original version xD
Ракета Р-37М: что она собой представляет и в чем ее уникальность - Российская газета (

The 1985 upgrade program…? It was a part of it?
Was the F-15’s first AESA not given 14 years later?

I was thinking that.

When was the first AESA radar installed vs when was the F-15C MSIP II in service/upgrade program started?

I can see you have no idea what you are talking about. We have the HMSD version of the F15C MSIP II which included the AESA RADAR upgrade. It has been said time and time again the one we have in game is the 2000+ version. (Which has the wrong aim-120s but here we are being held back).

The APG63v2 was 1999, the APG63v3 was 2006 ish. It included the HMDS we have in game now, however its modeled wrong. The HMDS should be giving us real time markers in the HUD for tracking targets and friendlies. Not just target locking.

That is just a game limitation and its not alone on that front. Heck, aircraft like the FA2 still havent gotten any radar symbology in their cockpit as its all placeholder. F3 literally just got that fixed

Right… So when did the MSIP II upgrade programme start?

So are the Israelis, chinese, germans, british, italians, russians and swedish

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Desert Storm, when we wiped all those commie planes off the planet.

However, the vehicle we have in game is a 2000s model because the Desert Storm model didn’t carry the Aim-120s into combat. The Aim-120s got their first kills in 1992. But here is more info regardless:[nextlink]/#:~:text=The%20helmet%20provides%20radar%20weapon,%2C%20and%20A-10%20aircraft

So we have the 1992 version of the F-15C MSIP II and the first AESA Radar was installed in 1999?

At least that is my take away. what makes it the 2000s model?

The JHMCS pretty much, nothing else is upgraded past the 1990 upgrade package, it’s a shame that the Baz Meshupar couldn’t receive the same treatment

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The JHMCS which came into full swing with the APG63v2. Here is a 2004 article about it. Boeing Develops Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System Simulation Capability - Jul 20, 2004

It really is honestly. But something else that is ignored is that fuel tanks and more specifically CFTs also included ECM and Sensor packages that enhanced the F15Cs battlefield awareness. Not really talked about but the CFTs do more than just carry fuel.

Then yeah, they’ve just done what they’ve done with a load of other aircraft and added some small part of a future upgrade program for the sake of balance (prevent moaning) but not the full upgrade

For Example Tornado Gr1 didnt recieve TIALD self-lase capability till the mid to late 1990s. But still has the Mk101 engines that I beleive were replaced with the Mk103s engines (same used by everyone else) by the end of the 1980s (dates could be wrong) but everything is a balancing thing for Gaijin. Even giving weaker engines

Still a pain that the BOLs remained unchanged for over a year lol, the extra chaff is so nice for GRB, i still want to see the cluster munitions too, would be very funny to fly over a contested/enemy capture point and pepper all the enemies with HEAT warheads

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They did this to the F15C as well. The immediate climbout rate of an F15C with CFTs +ECM Pod is roughly 40 - 45degrees at mach 0.95+ and full load. You can’t do this in game at all. Its slower than it should be, and climbs slower than it should.

At least you have your BOLs. F15C still doesn’t have them… Doesn’t even have its AGM-88E or AGM-65Es…