Advices to play coastal fleet

Recently I started playing naval battles again, both bluewater and coastal fleet. While I perform better on bluewater, I do not on coastal. Mostly, I’m getting overwhelmed by other vessels or being sniped from destroyers etc. I’m not trying to rush or something, but I keep dying somehow. Is there any tips to play on them better? And also, which ammo I should bring: more AP or HE?

What nation, BR, gamemode (AB/RB) and boats are you playing?

I find each nation plays a lot different

I tried USA, USSR and Great Britain. Got to III rank on them and average BR is 3.0

Arcade or realistic?

Realistic battles

So my advice (isnt necessaryly the best advice as I dont play too much naval anymore) but faster firing guns I find generally perform better then larger caliber, especially in costal. Around 3.0+ there isnt any way to generally avoid being nuked by a destoryer. However there are some general benefits that costal have when facing destroyers which is their speed generally costal vehicles are smaller, quicker and more nimble then destoryers. (This doss not apply to all boats in the coastal trees)

Also if you are playing with other people you can work together to distract a destoryer while another person sneaks up to launch a few torpedos etc.

When it comes to ammo I find it depends on the caliber and what you are fighting, if you find you tend to be facing larger ships try taking about half the ammo you normally would as AP and the other half HE as even some destroyers can be killed easily by HE starting fires.

Thanks a lot! Is there boats that easy to train on?

Also, avoid open places, doesn’t really matter what coastal ship you’re playing, always avoid open sea.

Trying to do so, but unfortunately not every map has cover, and some have terrible spawns.

play lower level
blue water takes a lot of the fun out of coastal
so go where they are not

this will raise a few but …
with the sensors and personnel available on RL naval boats and ships … arcade is possibly more accurate to RL than realistic is

as a confession i rarely play realistic … for that reason
and arcade is usually way more fun

fun should be the major reason to play

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Don’t. Esp. at higher tiers. Right now you pretty much have to play mixed low tier bluewater with your “hi-tier” (actually even mid tier with the vicious up-tiers they get) coastal because otherwise you just get stomped.

Suggest Arcade is better for low level naval than RB - coastal is heavily reliant on torpedoes vs blue water ships and you get infinite reloads in AB.

RB naval doesn’t seem to have the major differences that RB and AB have in the other modes.

As a Coastal Main player, I want to tell you that the most important thing you can do to step up from beginner to intermediate is to not try to make yourself the hero of the story :(

In most cases where players die quickly in Coastal, they are too front line.
Always be aware of using the boat’s high speed not to plow into the opponent’s line of fire, but to take advantage of small islands and obstacles to gain a more advantageous position.

Well, to use my style as an example, AP belts are the most effective in reducing the enemy’s vitals, so I use this as my main tool, while HE is used in a 7:3 ratio because it can effectively destroy the turrets of enemy units

Recommendation: US would be a very good plan to learn the basics of boat fighting here, since all PT boats are guaranteed to be of a certain strength. The PT-59 in particular is a strong boat that can be obtained inexpensively and is my recommendation.
RU/GB is a tree that I would normally recommend for intermediate and up, as many of the units are not orthodox, but Pr.183 and Fairmile C (332) are excellent units, and the deck power at the tree end exceeds that of US Coastal, so you may choose to grind in the future I think it’s a good choice.

Have a nice Coastal life :3

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Well, thank you for answering!

I think i gonna stick with HMS Archer and Agressor then, quite low BR and silouette and Bofors - i like it.

Thanks a lot!
I think i’ve seen you yesterday on african gulf, you sunk me with a torpedo while i was on Z46. That was hilarious xD

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Great! GB Coastal is the TT I have the most affection for, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!
The grind from rank 3 to 4 is a bit difficult, but as long as you can get Fremantle, it should be a lot easier! The SGB/Fremantle/Fairmile C(332) deck is a pretty good rank V grinder.

If you like Dark-class, I think Brantford would be a great addition to your deck! She is a beast, to say the least. If you are able to get your hands on the box for this season battle pass, MTB-422 would be a great addition to the deck as well.

Your Welcome ))
I don’t recall being matched to the Africa map yesterday, but I only play Naval so I’m sure we’ll meet soon. Please be gentle with me :3

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