Adjust Mark of distinction price in Gold Eagles with progress towards it

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you all know when doing events you have to get Marks of distinctions to progress in it.
Now what really bothers me for a long time is following:

You are doing an event are close to finishing the mark of distinction, then the time runs out.
Of course you can then buy it, but you have to pay the full price in GE even though you did some work into it. And this is what bothers me, i usually get a bad feeling about it and thoughts of “why even try”.

In my opinion it would make more sense if the price would scale with the progress in that mark of distinction, so a rough example you have done more than half or 3/4 of it you now only pay 500GE instead of 999.

In my opinion people that failed it by small amount will not get a bad feeling when they want to buy it (because they want the event rewards) and it might be a way to make more money for Gaijin, because i think a lot more would then spend GE on it. And those that bought their way through the event would not participate in the grind for mark of distinctions any way.


Excellent suggestion.

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Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.