Additional test drive map. what you guys think?

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additional- Official maps for test drive… like one as a shooting range to help train multiple skills and not just aiming.

  • the one we got right now is a shooting range essentially. but it doesn’t really help you fire on the move at distant targets because of the terrain that was created there. And since we don’t got no automatic locking for more modern vehicles. we gotta learn to manually fire. some of us don’t have access to the ability to create our own special missions/ the technical knowledge.

----maybe a trail/road with targets at various ranges and angles. with the more modern vehicles having access to targets 1-3KM away.

along the road could be moving targets at a distance where you could possibly choose what BR bracket tanks you shoot at or specific tanks with an option for advanced settings under the UI of when you hit test drive.

i mean there are many unofficial ways we can do this. i just rather have one simple official way.

and i’m out of ideas, this is just general framework i think could be useful if accepted.

Its nice but i much rather gaijin fixing major vehicles and gamemodes insted of test drive

yeah i agree with that. however you can’t fix what’s broken without really looking at where it is broken at anyway… many vehicles have problems but usually arn’t big enough to warrent fixing immediately and game modes we only got like 3-4 of em anyway.

Yea thats why we need gaijin to add/fix gamemodes
And some vehicles need they fixing immediately like abrams and merkava

instead of arguing about the game modes and vehicles. how about you go make a suggestion?
and Abrams doesn’t need fixing. you guys just suck. i can on average get about 1-3-9 kills in it half the time because i don’t suck.

There is allready a few

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