Adding turret basket to all top tier MBTs

With the dev server update there is a lot of people against the internal model update as a nerf to Abrams and Leopards. However I think it is a good balancing nerf since we can obviously see the rise of winrate in other nations once the autoloader nerf was added to Russian and Chinese tech trees (while the Japanese and French autoloader are behind the turret and thus much harder to hit from front aspect). With that said, I do understand the claim that people feel unfair of the Russian and Chinese turret basket not being counted as horizontal traverse mechanism. From my personal experience playing leopard, type 90 and T-series tanks I would argue that having autoloader destroyed is already a huge debuff since it took you at least 20 seconds to repair while a wounded loader only means less than 10 sec extra reloading time. Therefore I think an additional disabled horizontal traverse won’t be that much of a nerf for Russian/Chinese vehicle and will be a good overall balance across the field for all MBTs. I would like to propose that having all tanks, including russian and chinese ones, implemented with the basket internal module as an overall balance and a welcoming one.

  • Add the detailed internal module for all top tier MBTs
  • It is good to add it only to Leopards and Abrams
  • Only Leopard and Strv 122 need nerf, add it only to them and not Abrams
0 voters

As against this artificial nerf as I am, if it’s going to stay it must be applied to other vehicles, as it is unfair to pull a “rules for thee but not for me”


Turret baskets should remain for realism and spalling, but the whole module shouldn’t affect turret traverse


I do think a nerf is needed considering the current winrates and balance, but I do agree more on that it should be applied to all other vehicles, especially the light ones like HSTVL and Centauros

I think there is a need to be able to disable MBTs like Leopard and Abrams by shooting through center mass, I tested today against abrams frontally and it is really hard to do any one-shot kills unless you can find the exact point to kill three crews, also in many cases the breech will only be damaged instead of destroyed.

There already are many places on both vehicles (even the Leopard 2A7V) that are easy to penetrate and disable the vehicle.

The abrams has very weak armor in comparison to the Leopards and T-80s, and its still is easy to disable with one shot. The problem is that soviet players aim center mass instead of going for breaches and areas with critical components.

Yeah, and frequently a T-80’s breach will bounce M829A2 and DM53 like its a nerf dart.

Ah more nerfs to NATO vehicles that I’m sure are super realistic.

Just like Gaijin thinks this is impossible.

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If you are talking about the depression I think considering the land slope this is pretty much the depression we had in game, nontheless I would like to have a leopard2a4 with kontakt-1 in game

The point I was making is that it is rather hard to disable NATO tanks from the side with one-shot compared to soviet ones, where one shot will certainly disable it due to the autoloader mechanic if not killing it (I know the magic shells can sometimes not detonate)

From the front the abrams has about the same penetrable area compared to leopards (not the strv or leo2a7) and maybe a bit larger than T-80BVM/T-90M, but it is super hard to one-shot kill compare to soviet tanks and if you don’t go for the breach it is even hard to disable by going for the crews (it’s really hard to kill commander gunner and driver with one shot). With the implement of autoloader part even if the soviet ammo didnt detonate or the ERA working too well for some magic reasons the soviet tank will for sure be disabled. While many claims that the disable of autoloader is useless since there is still one round left in chamber, the truth is in most cases you will always got shot when you are reloading due to the soviet tanks having one of the longest reload time. I have been playing both Japan Germany Sweden and Russia/China top tier, and I really appreciate how I get much more one-shot kills when facing soviet opponents.

In game it’s at an upward angle.


Cant do this either

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wait for 20 seconds and be good as new.
for NATO, you get a reload penalty forever which you can only remove at a capture point.