Adding IRIS-T Missile for Sweden

Bump, on the idea of Sweden getting RB-98 Variant

You know this was a bait post right?

what, even if it is a bait people still read it. you did!

I read it because i knew it was bait. Its a forum, i tend to read what appears. The problem is posting info as if this is the correct forum, why not post your info somewhere where it actually matters?

Also this post has been dead for 4 months and shouldve stayed dead. Find a forum where this info is more useful than some bait post that 7 people looked at.

Personally, I might need gajin test IRIS-T on south african JAS 39 Gripen C (removed R-Darter only) in the future before swedish Gripen C (RB 98), EF-2000 Tranche 2 Block 10 (AIM-2000) and F-2000A Tranche 2

Why should any Gripen get the missile before the aircraft that it was developed for?
They should test it on the dev server and then just give it to all aircraft that carried it IRL.

Well, the Gripen was the first aircraft to use the Meteor in service.

This topic isn’t about the Meteor.

It wasn’t developed for any specific aircraft.

Ohh yeah, IRIS-T.

My bad, brain fart.

Even then gripens arent bad enough to warrant getting iris-t or meteor earlier then other users

The only aircrafts were iris-t would be acceptable as early implementations would be 3rd gen aircrafts at increased high brs like f4f ice or tornado assta


The first aircraft that should get IRIS-T would be the F-4F KWS LV (if placed at a higher BR), or an F-4F ICE (Late), NOT a Swedish Gripen.

This would allow gaijin to test IIR seeker missiles with reduced capabilities, as the F-4F can only employ the IRIS-T in a reduced capacity (iirc using an analog bus), which reduces pre-launch capabilities for the missile (I seem to remember 45 deg off-bore limit in analog mode).

The F-4F also further limits it by;

  1. Being an absolutely horrid airframe for 13.0, never mind 13.7 where it would go with an analogue IRIS-T
  2. Not having HMD to aid in launching the missile.

It would effectively act as both the best way to test IIR missiles before adding them at full strength in-game, and a tool for the F-4F ICE not to be a free kill for any 4th gen jet piloted by someone with half a braincell.