Adding AIM-120 to JA37D (Sweden)

No as in in the photo under the right wing, doesn’t seem to be a drop tank. It is much smaller than the one under the centre point.

That’s the countermeasure pod.

It’s quite big though.

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No, it has the 30mm gun inside the fuselage but not the external gun pods that the AJ/AJS gets. The text says something like no Akans on the wing and wing root hardpoints, paraphrasing and using Google Translate because I don’t speak Swedish.

The JA37D is currently modelled correctly, except it’s missing its stronger radar and the fox3s. To my knowledge, everything else (except its use of RB24J’s) is correct.


IIRC the D removed the airbreak for some reason

The air brake is still there on the underside, it just doesn’t have the air brake on the top.

It’s U98 disruptor pod

No, it’s actually a radar disruptor pod, absorbing the radar lock, then sending the waves away in all directions cloaking the plane

Okay thanks for the correction, I did some digging and it’s a “Capsule U95-1 Sturgeon capsule”. It says here they were installed on the trainer 2 seat variant of the viggen SK37E but shows an image on their page of it installed on the JA37D.


source: Kapsel U95-1 Störkapsel - Arboga Robotmuseum