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I have the honor to greeting, gentlemen and ladies!
Since the game generally has a category of decorators “Roundels and Insignias”, and there are also ships of the Russian Imperial Navy in game, I ask and propose to add to the specified category a decorator with the naval heraldic eagle of the Russian Empire.
The scale is also important here - thus, the new decorator must have relatively small dimensions, allowing it to be placed in the bow or stern of destroyers, cruisers and battleships.
One of the possible and universal solutions may be the introduction of the decorator in three different versions and sizes for use on different classes of ships.
Spoiler: a small comment on this
To tell the truth, this wouldn’t hurt with other such decorators (“Roundels and Insignias”), since the current sizes of both the “Red Star” and the “Imperial Seal of Japan” do not allow them to be used adequately.
If only they could change scale and/or adapt to the shape of the hull…
The general design of this emblem is the personal coat of arms of the Russian Emperor, which was raised on the Emperor’s Standard and was also used as decoration on the ships of the Russian Imperial Navy - although the bow decorations were often made individually for each specific ship.
Spoiler: general concept
As illustrations, can also consider examples of the use of this decoration.
Spoiler: Non-colored historical examples
Cruiser “Diana”
Battleship “Pobeda”
Battleship “Peresvet”
Battleship “Tsesarevich”
Spoiler: Colorized historical examples
Cruiser “Aurora”

Cruiser “Gromoboy”
Battleship “Orel”

Battleship “Emperor Alexander III”
Additionally, it can be noted that this decorator is already used in the game as part of the models of the battleships “Poltava” and “Imperatritsa Mariya”.
Thank you for your attention!