- Yes, to all airfields in all gamemodes
- Yes, to only some airfields in some gamemodes (leave suggesstions below)
- No, I do not want arrestor gear added to any land-based airfields
Today I would like to suggest an addition to the game that would both be useful, and engaging for players in all game modes.
Land Based Arrestor Gear
My suggestion is that at both ends (or at regular intervals) of the airfields in all modes, an addition of 1-3 arrestor wires.
Historically these systems have existed on many different forms on military airfields. While not used for regular landings during peace-times, these systems are kept in place in case of an emergency landing where stopping is either hindered (brake malfunctions, inactive steering) or the aircraft has to be brought to a stop as soon as possible.
All modern U.S. military airfields, as well as many other military’s around the world, have permanent systems in place. Many military’s also have systems that can be deployed on permanent runways, or mobile systems that can be set up on temporary airfields, such as dirt strips or highways.
For this reason, many military air-forces will have naval aircraft that keep their arresting gear despite the military having no active aircraft carriers. Additionally, many non-naval aircraft have been modified or produced to have an arrestor hook for the purpose of shortening the landing distance during an emergency or war times.
Republic of Singapore mobile arresting Gear:
U.S. military Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS):
Why introduce Land-Based Arrestor Systems in War Thunder?
As many players have previously noticed and stated, there are many aircraft in the game that have arrestor gear modelled and functional, but rarely, if ever, get to use it.
This doesn’t just include the hundreds of naval aircraft, but more modern land-based aircraft, such as the F-16 (pictured below), F-104, Tornado, and others, also have arrestor gear.
I feel this change would be beneficial as it would encourage players to land with their landing gear, thereby reducing the amount of belly crash landings, yet still helping the players get back into the fight as soon as possible.
It also gives players who play naval aircraft a chance to use a stoppage mechanism that they don’t get to use often, as many maps lack aircraft carriers to land on. Naval aircraft also tend not to have great brakes, brake parachutes, or reverse thrusters, as they rely on the arresting gear when landing on carriers.
(A small model of a pulley or mobile arresting system to the side of the airfield would be welcome as well, but as so many systems are designed to be discrete, the addition of only the wires would be just as welcome!)
To Conclude:
I believe the the addition of Arresting wires to land based airfields would be a simple yet welcome QoL change that would benefit all players in all gamemodes.
Video of a German Eurofighter Typhoon using its arrestor gear during an emergency landing at the SIAF (Slovak International Air Fest) in 2016:
Additional photos of land-based systems: