Add Aircraft Exterior Lights

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Hi everyone

I would like to suggest adding exterior aircraft lights to the game. Aircraft exterior lights are the various systems that allow a pilot to visually signal his position, to orient himself or to find his way on the runway/taxiway.

These lights are generally divided into 4 categories (this is a simplification):

  • Positioning/navigation lights: these lights indicate the position and direction of the aircraft, they are present at the end of the wings (red on the port side towards the front and green on the starboard side towards the front) and on the tail (white towards the rear. These lights allow when seen to know the position and direction of the aircraft.

  • Taxiing lights/landing lights : these lights allow the aircraft to see itself in front of it when it is on poorly lit terrain, they are generally located at the level of the nose gear or under the aircraft (fuselage or wing) and retract once the aircraft is in flight.

  • Anti-collision lights (beacon): these lights are generally placed above and under the aircraft and are visible at 360°, this light is generally lit permanently because it allows to know the position of the aircraft


Not all military aircraft are equipped with these lights but usually have some of them. Their addition would allow more realism in the game and would be a great improvement for night battles and simulator games.

In reality, the planes in the game also have other lights allowing them to be seen and facilitating night flight with their wingmen.

Example of aircraft lights in service


Some examples of these lights on the planes in the game

Mirage F1 landing/taxi light

Tornado port navigation light

Su-25 landing light


+1 for the nice Screenshots / Wallpapers we could do with such xP



+1, they would be really cool

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+1 we definitely need exterior lights

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Yes, please. +1

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I want my helicopter landing lights! +1

ps every plane has lights in game I believe (except maybe some ww2 fighters)


+1. Gib Gaijin

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I would love to see this! Since night battles for air RB got passed to the devs, this should come with it. It has so much potential for screenshots and cinematics.



i personally think Gaijin should look into this for future update, adding Lights on all aircraft that carry them would add some more much needed quality of life when it comes to aircraft visuals similarly to the vapor trails and heat blur for afterburner’s we received last update

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Would be nice but Gaijin first needs to figure out what baked lighting is. It’s a reason why in potato you cannot see the cockpit light in your cockpit.

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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