ADATS, what Gaijin got wrong

This is some high quality crayon drawing then.


Are you talking about the Forecast International source? If so, at best, it is a secondary source. The primary sources (by lockheed martin and oerlikon) overrides that secondary source.

In addition, it could be very well referring to it’s high speed maneuverable targets.

Not really sure if this counts as a primary source but at least it’s on the same level of a secondary source

“A note on armor penetration: While ADATS was designed as a dual purpose system, its primary mission is against hostile aircraft. However, its performance against armor is described as formidable: at least 100 cm (39.37 in) was claimed. The application of our standardized formula for chemical (HEAT) warheads to the ADATS missile warhead yielded a penetration figure of 95.76 cm.”

The document reveals two different sources for these penetration figures:

  1. 100 cm: A claim made by the system’s developers but we don’t know who it is referring to
  2. 95.76 cm: A calculated figure derived by Forecast International

Reading comprehension sure is a nice skill to have.

Also, stop hiding behind a burner account lmao


Regarding the system’s developers, they’re referring to “both” ADATS’ we have in game

Again, once I have the documentation sent to me from the only person who is still associated with the system I will send it here too


Now on the dev server, Tracer is gone. Planes now have no idea that the missile is coming, but,
Well, trust me, there is a missile in the middle of my crosshair.


And how to use it against air targets then? Missile almost always isnt in center of crosshair


Idk. Guess that was not a problem IRL. They pointed a laser at a thing, it died.
During burn phase the missile was gathered onto the main beam using ALCOS, and then it rode the beam to the target.

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did they fix smokeless motor

It was smokeless for a while

Well, IRL the missile corrects itself based on the laser generated matrix in order to stay in the middle of the beam. In game it does not work the best.


I think that in reality the missile should have an IR tracker that is visible only to the SAM operator in the thermal imaging channel.


Nope, that is not the case in the ADATS. The system uses the same principle in gathering phase, where burning missile motor it tracked by IR camera, and a smaller coded laser beam directs it onto the main beam, after the missile enter the main beam it reads the projected matrix and collects itself, no IR tracker takes part in that.


Hmm, I see, another reason why the gameplay execution of SAM Gaijins is wrong.

So if its tracked by IR surely the missile will still be hot enough at the rear to be seen in IR even if not by the naked eye. So surely the missile should be visible in game in thermal imaging but harder to see by eye?

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Who knows. I am yet to come across (or i dont remember one) a video where the missile would be seen after launch from gunner screen, so i cant confirm it. What i can say for sure is that the leftover heat is not strong enough for the system to guide it.

I’d imagine it’s gotta still be hotter than the background so should be somewhat visible in thermals, even from a gameplay pov it doesn’t really work guiding and invisible missile currently, it needs some tweaking to make it more user friendly imo.

I’m going to work around the missile tomorrow.


So they removed tracer which is great but also not knowing where missile is (from adats prespective) is actually more of a nerf than buff.

I played some matches with adats after this neat missile buff which made me to actually kill moving targets from ~7km away but i had to make manual prediction corrections based on this tracer. So no 7km shots now i guess bruh

Here is my attempt
[DEV] ADATS missile should automatically lead


It will be cool if something happens with it. But after seeing Gaijin’s one disclosure about the beam riding vhikrs I think they are already aware of this.

I have news, let me know if it works, could send screenshots but can’t send the whole PDF for a reason
