ADATS, what Gaijin got wrong

If you have sources that just say gen 1, 2 or 3, that would be enough I think. ASELPOD for instance apparently only has a 640x512 detector for the FLIR, but gets gen 3 in game, probably because it’s said to be 3rd gen FLIR somewhere. Litening III also only has 640x480, but gets gen 3 for similar reasons. I think the gen 3’s in this chart (1K FLIR, etc) actually get “gen 4” or “3+”, if there already is a name for it in-game, that is the 1920x1080 resolution already found on some toptier helicopters I think. Basing generation on just resolution doesn’t work anymore now, at least not since like 2-3 updates ago when they standardized things again, apparently shifting away from resolution based generations.

Also there’s also a bit of a different rule for helicopters as well, where if it’s gen 1 in reality, it gets bumped up to gen 2 at least. Whilst ground vehicles and fixed wing aircraft don’t get that treatment. It’s why the ADATS has gen 1 while early Apaches have gen 2. Maybe this willl change in the future though.


Yea, this chart is outdated, but gives you a good idea, and i have not seen any newer posted by gaijin in their TVD responses.

As of now we know only about 180 element CMT, so both ADATS have it. There is a chance that Canadian ADATS got upgraded in a later date, but we have no data.

loses guidance? never had it do that

perhaps it loses speed and it can’t turn very well or at all on long ranges, that’s why you may think it loses guidance

If shooting an aircraft going perpendicular to you it’s possible to out traverse your missiles.

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yeah but that means it loses speed, not guidance, as the missile bleeds it’s speed and can still see the beam required to guide itself to the target but it can’t get there because it doesn’t have enough energy for it

but i still feel like with the rocket motor improved, it won’t make a big difference as the drag coefficient factor is too high, just like on the aim54c, which still wasn’t fixed

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MIM 146 should not have a tracer


wouldn’t it make it more difficult to see and lead it in regarding to the target? especially with the missile being as it is at longer ranges

Maybe, but on the other hand the planes will no longer be able to see a giant red dot flying at them


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But it is correct in game.

IEEE X band is NATO I


Could easily just add a missile band box / projected dot on / around the missile since the ADATS’s optic did show the current position of the missile in flight.


Oh… Well sry then

Who tf flaged my comment xD