ADATS, what Gaijin got wrong

If shooting an aircraft going perpendicular to you it’s possible to out traverse your missiles.

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yeah but that means it loses speed, not guidance, as the missile bleeds it’s speed and can still see the beam required to guide itself to the target but it can’t get there because it doesn’t have enough energy for it

but i still feel like with the rocket motor improved, it won’t make a big difference as the drag coefficient factor is too high, just like on the aim54c, which still wasn’t fixed

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MIM 146 should not have a tracer


wouldn’t it make it more difficult to see and lead it in regarding to the target? especially with the missile being as it is at longer ranges

Maybe, but on the other hand the planes will no longer be able to see a giant red dot flying at them


But it is correct in game.

IEEE X band is NATO I


Could easily just add a missile band box / projected dot on / around the missile since the ADATS’s optic did show the current position of the missile in flight.


Oh… Well sry then

Who tf flaged my comment xD

gotta do a bug report for that unfortunately, with proof

Did they? I have not seen that, mind sharing?

gotta ask, anyone feeling that since the 42g buff for the adats missile, it turns more delayed than it was before at 35g? especially at closer to medium ranges


Less of shown here in the exceedingly quick engagement from this video. The missile can easily be seen in white hot as a black dot heading towards the target. Given this is white hot mode, it should be coming up as glowing white since it is hot, instead its coming up as flat black.


The impact shows up properly as white hot in the short frame gap.

Something else shown at 9:45 is the target handoff system, where the vehicle commander can hand off targets to the gunner from the radar by pressing the target number and the “ready engage button”. So either A, this system slews the gunner’s sight to the target, or projects the target on the gunner’s sight for Aquisition.


It did had cue to radar from radar (TWS target to be precise) in real life. I already reported that.


Cool, hope that does get acted upon, would make engagements vastly more reliable.

Im not sure what to make about it. The quality is quite poor. The fact that it is black means nothing tbf. The system lacked any missile tracking with exception of motor burn, where it was guided using ACLOS onto the guidence beam.

Mine just loses track now when I try to shoot down fast planes

Yep, if you pull hard enough missile leaves the guidence beam

The SLAMRAAM is a very obvious vehicle that could come for the US TT. As well, there are several different variants of the ADATS that would improve mobility, such as the Stryker ADATS (otherwise known as the MMEV), which also has hydra rockets.


Furthermore, we could get another stopgap vehicle similar to the LAVAD such as the M-SHORAD which is capable of FIM-92 and AGM-114 usage as shown here.


Any news on this?