ADATS vs ordnance

you see su34 spamming all its missiles, you want to defend yourself,but whats that? you cant
why? because you cannot lock those missiles with your radar
is it a bug, a feature or oversight on snails end?
while im talking about ADATS,does ESS do anything to spoof kh38mt?


kh-38mt is IR missile
ESS doesnt help against IR-spectrum

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well, thanks, wont waste my time on that one anymore lol

Hunters newest video proves that an issue exists
what a mess of a balancing this update


aftermath of messing with vikhr dueling lmao

The ADATS doesn’t have a tracking radar, it has IRST. It cannot lock onto ordnance reliably compared to a tracking radar.

the best solution is to bring in the M247. It can reliably track ordnance and destroy them using proxy rounds.

ESS is more for visual concealment and not concealment from thermals.



As for the inability to destroy Kh-38MTs, that’s quite the interesting bug I was unaware of. If you have a link to the bug report I’d love to see it.

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I think IRST in general have trouble locking onto munitions. This doesn’t help the fact that you cannot slave the Adats’s IRST to its search radar which makes it infinitely harder to spot them.

I’m pretty sure the Adats missile can destroy the KH38, but it’s getting your missile to the KH38 which is the biggest issue.

ADATS doesn’t have any tracking radar. It only has a search radar.

kiss of love ngl

IRST is not a radar, it can’t lock onto a Kh-38MT like a radar can. It can only lock onto heat signatures, and that missiles heat signature is quite low in reality.

In game it would depend on how Gaijin code them. Not to mention fog,cloud,etc.

makes sense. Luckily the Sargent York comes in handy when KH38 are being spammed

My hypothesis for this issue is that the server’s tickrate is too low to handle such cases. In this case, relative closure rate is in excess of mach 5, and it may lead to position updates (server side) with relative distance differences between the missiles larger than the proximity fuse distance of the VT-1 (so larger than 16m per tick), causing it to fail to proxy. Though I do not know at what tickrate projectiles are simulated at in WT, the math for the example in Hunter’s video works out for around 100Hz, which I think is already a pretty high tickrate by all standards.

Would also make sense why slower projectiles are much easier to intercept, and also why I’ve had cases where I tried shooting down A2A missiles in the headon with my own and have them pass eachother (or one proxy’s but too far away, due to it only triggering at the edge of its proxy range due to these discrete distance steps).

Of course this all still requires the right initial conditions, so it’s not always consistent, but the higher the closure rates, the more likely it happens.

For real, are SPAAG the answer to deal with Kh-38s?

I’m not sure how well this works against KH-38s, however the M380A1 (the Abrams’ proxy shell) and the Imp.Chapparal are great at shooting down enemy ordinance. Though that’s about all the Chappy is good for lol.

Gen 2 thermals work great for spotting enemy missiles with the Abrams, although I’m not sure how well Gen 1s would work.

and + adats deserve br of 11.0 or 10.7 just like 2s6 did when it was 11.0 now 10.7 both have similar missile speed range and turn but adats has 900mm pen warhead


KH-38 engine BURNS you know? BURNS, meaning it has IR signature for ADATS to lock on


KH-38 uses solid rocket motor which means it burns over 2000°C, so I don’t see any reason for ADATS being unable to lock it.


Shooting down ordnance have always been problematic unfortunately…