ADATS is NOT a Top Tier SPAA

Just wanted to open a general discussion about the ADATS and its genuine inability to deal with the threats that it is faced with, such as the AASM, KH-38, and even the Brimstone. It is unable to elevate its sight 90 degrees, unable to use radar locking which forces you to have to visually find enemies, and its missiles are useless against targets doing anything beyond 7km.

The only argument for it being 11.7 is “it can defend itself” with its missiles and gun, but like…? I don’t want a TD, I want an SPAA and it is labeled as such. Also, there is no reason for a ATGM carrier with no stabilizer or fire on the move capability to be 11.3+, so also?

Let me know what you guys think.


As an SPAA, its capabilities are around 11.0-11.7 I would say. Especially now that the Pantsir and ItO got moved up.

I am excited for Patriot and other more advanced SAMS coming this year.

From a Brit’s perspective, so ADATS without even the gun. I’ve never understood why the ADATS was all that higher to the Stormer HVM at 10.3. With the inclusion of SAMs like the OSA at 10.3, Its hard to find an argument for why its all that much higher than 10.7/11.0.

Its an effective counter to helis but I have never consider the ADATS a usable anti-aircraft SAM or a threat in any CAS i’ve played in a good long while.

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Probably more like SLAMRAAM HUMVEE than a Patriot system

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The Stormers missiles aren’t as good (supposedly, I haven’t played it), and the Osa is unusable at close ranges, so the ADATS is definitely better.

They specifically mentioned they were finding ways to implement more advanced multi piece systems, which strongly implies Patriot/IRIS-T systems. I’d be very disappointed if they weren’t added.

Less range and no prox fuse but the vehicle itself is a lot better. Smaller, faster and even has a scout with the best optics in the game. Also pure IRST so tricky if clouds, but you cant reveal your position via an RWR. Quite a few did or still do use it over the ADATS at top tier for killing Helis, as neither SPAA are great for dealing with fast jets

That could include SL-AMRAAM I think as it uses an external radar. In any case, Id guess SAM systems with a range more like 20-40km rather than 160km of the Patriot.

Remove brimstones and kh series until better spaas come out. Problem solved, but that uses common sense

Remove the weakest AGM in the game?

Brimstones are so badly nerfed they are boarderline unusable, only reason they are is because the Typhoon is good.

AASM, KH-38 and even AGM-65s are better

Sorry was in game, meant to clarify add the FNF feature afterward

I legitimately celebrate whenever the enemy only has an ADATS because its so easy to counter in any CAS.

Or just add a TO mode

Yeah, in the Tornado Gr1, seeing an ADATS ping on the RWR, I just went back to what I was doing before unless I wanted the free kill.

Just a bit better than SA-19

When they are not phasing through vehicles they are pretty good. At the moment they are working for me.

How are they unusable ?
They work perfectly fine.

I have to add, that the laser guided Brimstones are REALLY good for close range low altitude runs. You can launch them as you are approaching the enemy spawn, where the enemy SAM/SPAA is. You point the laser in front of you and when you are reach the enemy spawn, you just change the lock target. The Brimstones are going to hit the target 100%.

I think you can just shut up and accept it for now, I know it is bad but it isn’t the worst, Italy still using AA cannon at the toptier 😅😅😅


Is there even anything to replace it with as the US doctrine of airdefence isn’t some mobile SPAA, rather than stationary missile defence and CAP cover.
So the most common US mobile air defence to this day have Stingers and maybe a 20mm gun.

The rest is operated by multiple vehicles like tracking radar vehicle, seatch radar vehicle, power generator vehicles and so on.

As a few has already point out SLAMRAAM HUMVEE are upgrade to range over ADATS. But with no radar no gun/cannons , less armor

Also from my experience with M730 Chaparral. Sometimes these SPAA (that only has IR Missiles as a weapons) are incredible boring when there are no Air targets around. And you can’t do anythings to ground targets except spot/mark them in hope that teammate will kill them for you.
SPAA in general should be able to spawn out like Scout drone. where you able to switch to play as SPAA or tank individual.

The NASAMS HML would be nice, but that would go to Sweden.
Don’t think it requires a separate radar, but could be wrong

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To op.
Yes if we compare only Anti Air capability ADATS are more comparable to 2S6 Tunguska which currently sit at 10.7.
In my opinion both should have closer BR than what we had now atm.

Also about stabilizer. irl ADATS have sight stabilizer . (gun and launcher didn’t) in a sense ADATS should still be able to aim and fire its weapon much faster when it stop moving or moving slowly

As UrMumSaysHi point out. US doctrine mostly relied on air superiority. So their ground AA systems pretty much went ahead from SHORAD to HIMAD. In a sense dedicate jet fighter at top-tier should have cheaper spawn cost for starter.