Acquiring old event vehicles after the fact...

Ehh some good points I agree just doesn’t it cost GE to spade? Also I do not type as much as you do but Idea. As you said unlocking an entire tree for low tier thing no but counter Idea you unlock the Tier then you have to spade at least one tank from every line in that Tier then you can unlock event vehicles for that tier to unlock. Does that sound fair still adds grid but not as much and will keep it fun and you only unlock the tanks you want.

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Spading the vehicle is done by researched all the Modifications of the vehicle. So yes it can be done with GE but it can get expensive at higher ranks. An i think it would make more sense to spade that entire Rank of vehicle vs Just spading 1 of each line of that rank because once you get higher tiers there is usually only 1 or 2 vehicles per line anways.The reason i say spade every one at that rank is because low tier vehicles do not take long to spade at all unless it is a painfuly bad vehicle like for example the original reserve vehicles for france. Great Example Germany say i wanted the 75mm Pak Puma (Sd.Kfz.234/3) its a Rank 1 SPG/TD so to unlock it i would have to spade EVERY Vehicle in rank 1 Tech Tree. Which for me is 23 Vehicles (i dont know what it is for new players since i know in the case of france some of the original Reserve vehicles are not available to new players) now yes thats 23 vehicles to spade but its Rank 1 which is kind of a fun rank sometimes and the cost of researching modifications is nowhere near what it is the higher the rank the vehicle is.

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To be quite honest, I do not care for this idea. Ive been playing since Beta and in the last two years or so I have seen the shift to the Premium Meta, and ruin of “top tier” air jet battles because of the lack of skills present, i.e…when youre taking off down the runway, someone has to say “Bravo” because everyone was able to even take off correctly.
So, in my humble opinion your suggestion fits right in with the “Want it Now, Gen” thats been attracted in the last few years.
If an older couple is living in your neighborhood and you see things they’ve accumulated, its because they went through a process.
All the event vehicles used to be a reward for people who earned them in the events. It kind of gets on my nerves…taking off on the runway and people on the chat wanting the next best thing, when they’ve only flown what they have since the last update about 20 times…
If you were not around when they were EARNED, that is your tough luck.
Only exception I can see, are special holiday things.

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Okay can I ask what about Sturmtiger and Tog 2 two tanks I really wanted but since I did not know how to unlock them I missed out like I am missing out on the FV4003/3 I think it’s called cause I still don’t understand how to get what I need and the fact that I missed two of the things cause I have a busy life how is it fair to me to miss out on these vehicles and not have some way to grind for them?


So what about vehicles that used to be in the Tech Tree but were removed “because the were never made or were not actually possible” Like the Tiger 2 105, Flak Panther, and Panther 2? You cant even get them on the Market Place but now that gaijin isnt only doing “Real” or “Historically accurate” vehicles why cant they add them back? Why cant we have a way to obtain those vehicles? Give your head a shake man. we are not talking about Top tier premiums or anything we are talking about OLD event vehicles and removed vehicles. If you spent any amount of time actually reading any of the ideas up for discussion you would see that it some of us are actually wanting a grind to not only obtain these vehicles but unlock the ability to research them in the first place. Yea sure once they are “unlocked to research” people can use Premiums to research them BUT to unlock them in the ideas i put forth would either make gaijin more money because of the “want it now mentality” or force people who have ZERO experience outside of top tier premiums to play lower ranked shit and MAYBE just MAYBE Learn something about the game.


Current event vehicles like the FV4030/3 are unlock Through Marks of Distinction which are earned by playing the corresponding vehicle type of rank 3 or above for non event vehicles. So for the FV 4030/3 you needed to play Ground vehicles to Earn Score in Ground battles. Meaning Just play the game in your favorite Ground Rb lineup and earn 45000 score over a 48 hour period 8 times over the course of the event. If you missed out on the marks they can be obtained for GE under the Achievements tab For the Serpent Event. Base price is 999 GE each mark.

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I do not have that kind of money to spend that’s my point


Honestly, how did you predict exactly what Gaijin would do? Chucking all the rare and impossible tanks to own (STiger) into an SL crate xD

All the stuff that old couple has was half the price as it is nowadays when they got it. Now I’ll have to work twice as hard for the same effort which doesn’t seem very fair. Eventually I might be able to slave away enough to buy that same house, car, etc… but this isn’t a good comparison anyway, not for the “Want it Now, Gen” which have been kneecapped from the get go.

This has the same energy as “why didn’t you buy bitcoin back when it was cheap???” I was 10, how tf was I meant to buy that or know how to grind this game and old events when all I had on my mind was school, friends and what to buy with pocketmoney. So don’t just blanket-wide assume that everyone is like that, most of us actually have a life and can’t dedicate most of it to a game, which is why I make my suggestion. A way for people who play a few games a day to relax or even just at the weekend, a chance to get these vehicles which they never had time to waste days just grinding for.
I would much rather grind out 1,000,000RP in a few months than almost 400,000 in 14 days as it allows me to keep my sanity and helps me to actually enjoy the game and not feel like i’m tied to it.
It’s not a Want it Now, it’s a I want it EVENTUALLY… not NEVER…

Not even mentioning that circumstance heavily affects if people can even join these events when they are running: “Oh your grandmother died and you had to travel to be with family, guess you missed out and didn’t EARN your tank”, random power cut leaving you without energy for days, poorer country where you only really have an hour free before having to either sleep, eat or work? Online gaming is amazing that is connects so many people all over the world, no matter their circumstances, so stuff like this being limited time, difficult, heavily time consuming and that actually alters the game, unlike camos is really disheartening to see, especially when you get people like yourself who’s stuck in their mindset from the 90s.
Times have changed my friend.

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That’s Exactly what I said thanks for going into more detail my dude.

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They could also make some of the premium event vehicles that are now unlockable NOT premiums so they can still have their premium variants be more rare.

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+1 will be peak requriment should be have a full air tree in that country or a full groound or naval depending on the vehicle it comes around once a year and you can pick 1 vehicle at a time and you have to be level 100 like PO2 should get added in as a thing for 100k rp 270k SL

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Yeah, I have a busy life as well, I work in the medical field…But all I can say mate is you have done the best you could in bringing it up in the suggestion part of the forum. Good job on that,…you’ve taken in up with Gaijin.
Good Luck to you on your hopes, Im certainly not Gaijin, I have issues with some aspects as well.
I would like to be able to talk to a human when Im trying to pay a bill, but those days are past, and Im not going to have them back.

Mate all I can say is you have done your best and brought it to this forum…
I would like to go to a BR 13 on up air RB battle and play with other Level, at least 75 on up so half my team (Level 15-25) isnt getting destoyed in the first three minutes, leaving me and two others to fight 10 planes with fox 3s because all these new players want what they want and bought a Prem…It used to be when you hopped into a jet, everybody in the match had some skills…But I have had to accept those days are over.
Anyway, by bringing it to the right place in the forum you are trying to do what you can do.
Good Luck, and I do not mean that in a sarcastic way.

Hmmm…pretty deep, but excuse me I have to go to work in the morning.

The idea of majority of player contemporary having a chance to unlock those event vehicle is intriguing to most and despite by some. I am too excited and wish someday gaijin would think about this seriously and somewhat change the model to obtain them.
In my personal belief, I would spend more money on the game which I love to play and not be more comfortable spending them to get what I want (without being pushed around by now or never decision making sistuation - I view it as being manipulated in someway).
Hey Gaijin, if you read this far, maybe someday? pretty please?
JK, We are human and we have sorrow, greed, and despair within ourself when we project outward the outside world. We cannot control what the world have to offer, we can only deal with what rise within us. No matter how rare the digital tank that we desperately want, I belief the greatest treasure that Gaijin give us is a environment that we can let ourself relax, have fun, maybe with friend.
And for that, I rest my case. Thanks Gaijin and all of you guys, the player for the wonderous moment we have now. I wish all you guys best of luck in your life.

sorry for some of the grammar error that created confusion (the part about comfortably spending money). Basically, I felt comfortable and would spending more on thing I love. And never spend money if I felt being manipulated.
thank you for reading