This is an idea i have, witch basically just includes accumulation of snow, but not that simple. Some of the charm with the winter, and phenomena that follows the winter, snow, is the accumulation of snow on objects, everything from tree branches to cars and houses. In the game, this proposed idea would be, that the snow accumulates on the player’s vehicle. For example, dependent on the weather, if its stormy weather, snow accumulates fast on the vehicle like seen in the image above, if it is less snow its just a small layer on the vehicle that melts relatively quickly due to the heat from the vehicle. The snow would dependent on the vehicle’s recoil and vibration when shooting, be blown/thrown off part of the vehicle. The snow would also accumulate in front of the vehicle, as is clearly seen in the image above, where the hull of the vehicle is pushing the snow in front of it and off to the sides.
I think this could make matches on snowy maps and in snowy weather quite a bit more enjoyable with a more realistic feel. it might be hard to implement and a lot of expensive work, but it is definitely worth it, a further touch of realism is always well welcomed ;)
Video showing a CV90 driving tough snowy terrain with lots of accumulated snow on the hull, while pushing snow ahead of itself in the deep powdery snow.
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