Account Permanently Ban

I logged onto the game and got " 3.2.3. No malicious or deceiving use" and “3.2. You hereby unconditionally agree and guarantee that you WILL NOT do (or attempt to do or facilitate doing) under any circumstances the following:” I have to say no one would believe me, but If they devs think I cheated, please provide a video of it and or if I exploited any bugs. I’ve got to say I am salty when I play but, getting accused for cheating is far fetched?

If someone can review any of my replay showing I cheated and/or exploited the game, please show it. I’m just trying to prove my innocence.


Simple solution to fix this DON’T CHEAT

Also actual skill issue


The funniest thing in this post is that gaijn gave a post with blocked accounts and they have already flown and are crying for what, well I don’t me xd

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Apeal to ban to the correct address not here, we cant help you, we cant see into your account, our opinion is irrelevant.

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my kd is 1.2 might even be negative, if i’ve cheated it would’ve been high right? I get your point, but how can I not cheat if I don’t even cheat.


skill issue get better next time cheater

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Womp Womp

If you suspect your account was used by someone else to commit any forbidden actions, please contact Support, if possible with proof for other, unusual login locations. You should also check your login history in your profile and email notifications for any logins from unusual locations.

Please check this topic: Who is who and Reporting Procedure - #4