Account banned for no reason

Guys I need your help.

I have been banned from the game after many years for “cheating”. I have done nothing wrong, never even downloaded custom skin not to mention use anything for cheat. Wrote to Gaijin and they say server detected I have started modified game. I did not. No questions about it. Why would someone with everything I need unlocked cheat? Checked log in history it seems all is me it is hard to know cause I am always on flights and usually play from airport to airport. I How these detections basically work is it possible that something on my laptop I a not aware off triggered it? Downloaded 2 anti viruses and found nothing. I use laptop for WT and work (emails, CAD, some original software and few Steam games I play offline [Mafia Definitive edition and Metro and thats it). Sent ticket to Gaijin but no replay seems none wants to have a look at it. You can all look at my server replay there is no any cheating there.

Do you guys have any idea how to fix this?



Da ne duljim treba mi pomoc.

Igram igru vec dugo u zadnje vreme na laptop preko ps4 accounta. Nisam nikada prebacio account na PC jer mi nije ni trebalo. Non stop letim i igram vecinom po hotelima i aerdoromima. Tu i tamo kad imam slobodnog vremena.

Imam unlockano sve sto mi treba i igram vecinom do 7.7

Prije neki dan sam usao u igru i kaze mi bankvan radi cheata. Cheatov definitivno nisam niti imam vremena ni potrebe za takve stvari. Nemam cak ni custom skinove ni nista. Udjem odigram par meceva i idem dalje. Pogledajte slobodno server replay pa ce te videti da sam prosecno los i da nema nikakviga cheata. Poslao sma Gaijinu ticket - nista. Poslao sam game masterima ali oni ne mogu da pomognu.

Ima li itko ikakvu ideju kome da se javim? Nemam apsolutno nikakve veze sa cheatom. Da li je tko bio ulogiran na moj account - ne znam. Da li je kakav virus anti virus ili drugi program mogao aktivirati anti cheat - ne znam jer nitko se iz Gaijina ne zeli pozabaviti sa time.

U account dam toliko vremena utukao da je to cudo. Lvl 100. Sve nacije unlokano sto mi treba, deseci premiuma itd…

Srdacno Vas molim za pomoc

Guys I need your help.

I have been banned from the game after many years for “cheating”. I have done nothing wrong, never even downloaded custom skin not to mention use anything for cheat. Wrote to Gaijin and they say server detected I have started modified game. I did not. No questions about it. Why would someone with everything I need unlocked cheat? Checked log in history it seems all is me it is hard to know cause I am always on flights and usually play from airport to airport. I How these detections basically work is it possible that something on my laptop I a not aware off triggered it? Downloaded 2 anti viruses and found nothing. I use laptop for WT and work (emails, CAD, some original software and few Steam games I play offline [Mafia Definitive edition and Metro and thats it). Sent ticket to Gaijin but no replay seems none wants to have a look at it. You can all look at my server replay there is no any cheating there.

Do you guys have any idea how to fix this?


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create a support ticket, nobody here can help you

For in-game bans contact either Gaijin Support through tiket or reach out to Game Masters and they will tell you what to do.

Best regards.