What is better in your eyes; and why?
- Abrams (any variant)
- Leopard 2 (any variant (Includes Strv 121/2’s))
In what way??
I mean no matter what the freebroms is better, but might as well make it obvious that it’s better in any specific way…
Any way you’d like to think of. Head to head, mobility, firepower, protection; you name it.
Awesomeness…? Abrams…
Freedomness…? Abrams…
Everything else…? Abrams…
I’ve made my decision, thank you :)
Guzzling JP1…? Abrams
Yeah, but no one spreads freedom like it does ;)
Or emmissions.
If we are talking as an Christmas tree? The top one by far.
Freemas tree
In war thunder I’d say the Leopard. But irl its the abrams hands down.
Wouldn’t say IRL is the Abrams hands down. The Leopard 2 is great for Germany and the Abrams is great for the USA. Both have their advantages
You already know the answer.
In game?
Either, you choose.
Kinda dilutes the discussion
Real life; as it’s “more realistic to both’s standards”
well id have to argue that abrams has a record for excellent survivability, and though no one rly has numbers for the SEPv3 vs Leo 2a7/8 id assume theyre roughly the same in armor. 2a7 has better gun, but since US uses DU rounds like the M829A4 it could very well have superior penetration ability. the abrams also has far better secondary weapons (M2 better than mg3 any day) and an APS on new ones, though so does Leo 2a8
the abrams is meant to run on jet fuel which is standardized across the military and as such is widely available. gas turbines also have a reputation for being able to run on damn near anything flammable. id have to give optics to abrams as im fairly certain it recently got an upgrade to its systems in that regard.
as for comms and stuff theyre probably about the same.