About the Mogador


This patch has been quite satisfying for the French navy as a whole, we even had the Bretagne secondary guns corrected after months of wait.

As for the new bluewater ship added, the Mogador, it’s quite satisfying so far, as far as I’m concerned. However, there is something that puzzles me :

Why is the twin 37mm AA turret considered a secondary gun ? It’s an AA gun. It’s considered as such everywhere else it’s implemented. Binding it to secondary controls means it can only act as its intended AA role if the option to fire the secondaries with the same button as the primary is disabled. Which obviously becomes problematic when you have to switch to a ship with actual secondary guns.

Not that it would change that much but in my experience, this 37mm, without being death rays, have been quite useful against aircrafts and given the already poor AA coverage of the ship, it amputates a good chunk of its AA potential for a marginal, if useless, secondary addition.


The lumping in of AA guns with secondaries also occurs on a few other ships, even in some cases where weapons are specifically called AA in their name.

The pairing of main+secondaries seems to be all about the heavyweights where it makes sense with reload times of 20s+ on the mains and you frequently have multiple small calibres for backup. It doesn’t take in to account smaller vessels where you have <10s reloads and sometimes only the one subcalibre that you’d rather have acting independently.bur doesn’t because BBs are king in Gaijins mind.

I’d love the option so set by class, or better still to opt in/out for individual ships so I cn choose what, if any guns follow the mains.

Indeed. Not every ship need to have secondaries, that’s for sure. Especially ships like the Mogador with so few guns beside the main artillery.

They really need to remove this awkward system (which can only be enabled/disabled in the settings menu!) and replace it with a toggle for each weapon type. The Primary/Secondary/AA buttons shouldn’t switch weapon types, they should enable/disable each.

That is to say, you’d be able to use any combination you like at any time. Primary and Secondary? Secondary and AA? Primary and AA? All three at once? They would all be options.