About reloading time for T80 variants... @T-80BVM

Or balancing tanks by having their models fixed, but hey, why do the hard work when you can redefine the balance by just tweaking a couple of numbers, its state of the art balancing!

And then switch to new update, new stuff. While sweeping most of existing issues under the carpet.

I’m pretty sure a lot of M1and Merkava players, for example, would be willing with giving up the 5 second aced reload for actually having their correct armor. I sure would be.


Exactly. I thought that the BRs were supposed to reflect the vehicle, why artificially (Ahistorically) nerf its reload to balance it.
That is literally why the BRs exist so things can move up or down based on balance.

For example shir 2, its getting L23 , because smin says, “where we want to place it BR wise”
But its not getting access to the L23A1 round which is exactly the same and both have the same service date due to being the same round.

Or the type 10 or leclerc reloads? why theyre so slow compared to IRL , Balance? well if it makes them better move them up in BR.

Dunno why its so stagnant all of a sudden, queue times are the shortest they have ever been

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I dont wanna type 100words so,
+good UFP
+Gen 3 thermal
-no reverse
-no gun depression
-bad mobility
-can lol pen from front
-Less powerful APFSDS (compared to other counterparts)
-7 sec reload
-Auto loader
-large exposed breech
so yeah its kinda hard to play top tire russia.

I’m not taking any sides. I actually wanted to grind Sweden, but they don’t have a 10.3 GE premium tank.

What ragebait? I just asked a question.



T-80BVM is better, since it is way faster and has more reverse

Not a -, since it love to eat shells

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Your activity in the forum clearly shows you have at the very least a favoritism. Go ragebait someone else.


Yeah, because I play Ground Russia, and I know it’s not as good as people think and USA mains actually cry more than other nations; everyone knows that.

You’re the one who’s ragebaiting mate.

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Still looks to be stronger than the Ariete, Challenger 2/3, Merkava, Type 90/10 and Chinas top tier tanks (never recall their name).

Also, T-90, bad Mobility… really?

Clearly has never played a Challenger 2


Yeah, 4 km/h in reverse sounds bad to me.


I was comparing it to the Abrams.

Yeah, figured.

its much slower, has way less armour and makes the “large exposed breach” on the T-90 look microscopic

T90 goes 60kmph no? the CR2 goes 59.
but is so much fatter isnt it xD

In theory, the sheer weight though means you take an age to accelerate and the low torque screws you on any inclines.


also lose far more in the turns as well BTW dont forget it likes to piss its speed away faster than any other top tier MBT last i checked.

CR2 reload past the first four rounds is also slower than the T90s unless you have aced the crew.


Isn’t it only applied to manual loaded vehicles?

I’m not sure but i think i’ve seen at least a small bit of it on the automatics as well. Mostly because of the argument that they “can” go faster but it will break the mechanism if used that way continuously for to many shots in a row (or something like that) so they won’t use that faster setting in game (again, i’m unsure about this and i’m going straight of memory).

It was applied to the HSTV-L, as it could still theoretically fire faster. They did get it to fire at 120 rpm. Did it work well? Not really. But they did do it. HSTV-L is just the best example I can think of for this.

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Reloading balances the game as well as shells (fake crowbar 238), and they can’t come up with another balance system, just play other Gaijin games and you’ll see how bad they are at it.

It can be applied for all vehicles including autoloaders as I understand, if their reloading times vary.

Don’t worry, they’ll give him everything after the marathon and send him to 10-10.3. All Gaijin does is sell a lowered BR, justify this balance, and then after a while give the correct one.
