About J10A problem

Subject : Urgent Request for Correction of J -10A Performance Parameters in the Game
Dear Game Development Team ,
This letter formally requests the necessarycorrections to the performance parameters of the J -10A fighter jet within the game . Discrepancies between the game ’ s simulation and actual data , as highlighted by test pilot Li Zhonghua ’ s interview , authoritative aviation data , and player community feedback , require immediate resolution .
I . Detailed Issue Description :
Incorrect Maximum Speed Parameter : The game ’ s setting for the J -10A’ s maximum speed is erroneous , stemming from a misinterpretation of test pilot Li Zhonghua ’ s interview . The " displayed speed " of 1453 km / h he mentioned refers to a specific low - altitude condition , not the actual maximum " airspeed ." Moreover , while the aircraft experiences vibration at this speed , it is still capable of continued flight , indicating that 1453 km / h is not the limit of the J -10A’ s low - altitude speed .
Failure to Achieve High - Altitude Maximum Speed : According to Li Zhonghua , the J -10A can reach a maximum speed of 2.35 Mach at high altitude . The current flight resistance settings in the game make it impossible to achieve this speed , clearly contradicting actual performance .
Inaccurate Engine Thrust Parameter : The J -10A is equipped with the AL -31FN engine , with a maximum thrust of 12700 kN , not the 11470 kN set in the game . This discrepancy directly impacts the aircraft ’ s top speed and acceleration performance in the game .
II . Evidence and Data Support :
Test Pilot Interview Content : Li Zhonghua ’ s interview explicitly states the J -10A’ s speed performance under various flight conditions and the actual performance parameters of the engine .
2. Authoritative Aviation Data : Several aviation specialty websites , including iairforce . com and militaryfactory . com , provide detailed technical specifications for the J -10A, all of which differ from the game ’ s performance .
III . Recommended Solutions :
Recalibrate Flight Model : Based on Li Zhonghua ’ s interview and authoritative aviation data ,
recalibrate the J -10A’ s flight model , particularly the parameters for maximum speed and flight resistance .
Correct Engine Thrust Parameters : Update the J -10A’ s engine thrust parameters to matcthe actual performance of the AL -31FN engine .
Comprehensive Testing : After making the above adjustments , conduct comprehensive flight testing to verify that the J -10A’ s performance aligns with real - world behavior .
IV . Severity of the Issue :
The significant deviation in the J -10A’ s performance parameters not only affects the authenticity and player experience of the game but may also negatively impact game balance and competitive fairness . We strongly recommend that the development team address this issue with the utmost rigor and resolve it in the next update .
We look forward to the development team ’ s serious consideration of our request and the implementation of necessary measures to ensure the accuracy of the game content and the satisfaction of players .
We believe that with the above corrections , the game will more accurately reflect the performance of
modern fighter jets , thereby enhancing the overall quality and player experience of the game . We await your positive response and appreciate your attention to this critical issue .
The J -10A holds a prestigious position among Chinese players . If our legitimate concerns are not addressed , some may organize and take more extreme measures to demand a resolution .


Can someone quote what that test pilot said?