About BR of F-16A OCU in Thailand

The current BR for the F-16A OCU is unjustified and the aim-120, which is a non-historical armament, should be removed and
should be lowered to 13.0.

Bug report about aim-120 in F-16A OCU

Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System


It’s basically a lighter and more agile F-16C. Same loadout just on the F-16A and they’re both the same BR so I don’t see a problem in terms of BR… You have the same killing power and you’re better in dogfights. How are you going to justify a F-16 with 6 AMRAAM’s to be on 13.0???

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There are photographs of the F-16A ADF/OCU being equipped with AIM-120s.

Personally, I want gaijin add F-16A ADF with AIM-120C-5 at 14.0 sometime 2025

but removed AIM-120A from F-16A OCF and decrease battle rating in the same time


I stated that the aim-120 should be removed from OCU and lowered to 13.0, not that it should be lowered to 13.0 with the aim-120.


There is indeed a photo of an F-16A ADF equipped with an aim-120. However, there are no photos of OCUs equipped with them, and if there are, they must be OCUs from other countries.


ah I see. The way you worded it threw me off.

those are two different aircraft, the OCU’s radar shouldn’t be able to guide AIM-120’s

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The OCU’s radar is at least an ADF radar if not upgraded, so it would be able to guide AIM-120s.

If you have images of the Thai F-16A OCU carrying AMRAAM, by all means share them, however the Thai Air Force officially states only the F-16A ADF and (e)MLU can operate the AMRAAM.

It is not. The Thai F-16A ADF uses AN/APG-66A, the Thai F-16A OCU uses AN/APG-66(V)1. There is APG-66(V)1 mounted to the ADF, but that is not in Thai service.

Only the ADF got the necessary wiring and software for AMRAAM capability, while the OCU only got it as part of (e)MLU upgrdes alongside new AN/APG-68(V)9 radar, essentially makong it a whole new variant.

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Iirc, the OCUs were never intended to carry AMRAAM anyway (just like the standard Block 15s they were upgraded from). They were pretty much just meant to be an improved Block 15, with the Block 15s being a major improvement from the Block 10 (with better high AoA stability due to the larger stabilators, as well as cockpit and weaponry improvements). I’m still kinda surprised Gaijin just didn’t add the ADF. Like, the model is sitting right there, all you have to do is slap a Thai skin on it and add some other weapons, and it’d be ready to go :(

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My guess is they wanted the ground attack capability of the OCU, and didn’t want to add two F-16s.

But yeah, ADF would’ve been a much better dedicated AMRAAM carrier considering it actually is one

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