Abandoned Factory - Feedback thread


The location has been visually reworked with new assets, redrawn ground textures and new effects. Please check it on dev server and leave your feedback in this thread!

Thank you!


I feel like it was deeply needed.

But what would really please players would be:

  • More maps allowing FREEDOM of Movements (every BR, but let’s starts with high and medium tiers)
  • More enlarged maps for high tier (8.0+ tanks are mostly able to One-shot each others at high ranges of 4000m+, and we fight at ranges of 300m 90% of the time) > might need a tweak in Objectives.

Modern Tanks can’t really utilize their proper design features with the Capture Points on maps. All you do is just brawl 24/7


Reason why this:

Is in previous post

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Why hasn’t this map been “improved” in the same way as other maps have been?
To achieve the standards that have been set, the following “improvements” are needed:

  • reduce its size by 25%
  • eliminate flanking routes and variety
  • mark 30% of the map out of bounds
  • introduce a version that’s a narrow lane 40m wide
  • flatten the area that capture point A is located on
  • remove all tall fences
  • enable shooting directly from one spawn point to another

I will however commend the decision to remove bushes anywhere near capture point A, to adhere to the trend of eliminating foliage.

It is deeply concerning that customer feedback has been sought as this goes directly against the trend of recent changes.


Great Rework!
Love the new textures and reworked layout.
but please increase the airspace in the 10.0+match maker (this goes for almost all maps)
There is so much space that can be used (in my oppinion it is not fun spawning in the range of russian SPAA and imideatly having to dodge wich can be quite hard depending on the plane)

Id suggest putting one Airfield (and airspawns) somewhere near i9/h8 and the other one in b2/c3
The heli spawns feek fine as they are right now

Oh and also please use the new airfield model (i love it)

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Very good! I hope all of War Thunder’s maps will be upgraded to this new quality standard.

So I love the new map as a whole and especially the new crushable vehicles

These versions on the other hand

Theres killing fields on both sides coming out of spawn, single spawn, people are just going to charge it

If we must have single spawn varients we need cover to leave

I like the changes the space feel like more can fit and breathe. I Like how is the fooliage reduced and the new fooliage assets do not seem to obscure the view that much.

I would love to suggest to expand the map a quite bit and make it more believeable. For some reason the place and location of battlefield seems so out of touch and lack some logic like why is this city, village or factory there and where is the town? You know what I mean?

It feels like the locations lack surounding visuals to add to the overal theme setting.

Other than that I feel like this is good way and step up. I hope more and more maps will eventually be reworked and build upon.

What I do not like is that random use of single points and then tinking it fits the mode.


To it seems that there is more space to move around, which is good. Perhaps other maps can also be reworked to create more space to maneuver and flank the opponent. I am fan of the Vietnam map because, there are no areas where you can stay in one place and basically get 5 frags because of the position. This kinda forces players to move around and it offers protection because of the areas that are blocked of in the middle of the map, it provides players with the opportunity to truly surprise opponents.

This concept of creating more paths of movement is something that I want to see across all maps. What do you guys think?

I’m not sure you guys actually listen to feedback but most the players want larger top tier maps!! Maybe new objectives and game modes??

Top tier is dying because it’s a boring death funnel.

And while your at it give Israel a good Spaa, there are plenty to choose from, they have zero counter to helis or the broken kh38 launchers

It’s a nice facelift for an old map, another one that could use one is Normandy. The statue in the center is super low quality and jumps out from the rest of the environment.

Other than that, Abandon Factory should be 8.0 max, we need better maps for top tier and fewer CQC urban maps.

It shouldn’t have that low of a limit, it is one of the most well designed maps in the entire game, imo.

It has flanking, many different routes to take, and offers a ton of variety in where you can go. It also doesn’t have many large open spaces like other CQC maps do, and it doesn’t funnel players into a specific area.

To be honest my original assessment was kinda harsh, It’s an okayish map for top tier. I just dislike that matches get decided way too quickly because nobody ever goes for the middle or river/docks side of the map. Nobody wants to get trapped and ambushed in the rat maze, and neither do I.

If it was a bit larger/less ratty and open I might give that side a try, for now I’ll just brawl at the warehouses where I can rat attack people with the Spike launcher in the Puma 😂

Maybe expanding it on the north could work well to create a longer distance shooting area. There would need to be much less flat ground in the surrounding area if that were to happen.

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Can we get the air spawns outside of pansiers missle range for all maps???