A32A underpowered at 9.0

Hello everyone.

I believe A32A to be one of the worst performing aircrafts in the game. While a lot of planes in the 8.7-9.3 range suffer signlificantly, this plane suffers expectionally more so.

I believe there are few traits that define a plane in the bracket.

-Good flight performance
-Missiles (at least 9B)
-Supersonic speed

These planes all have one of above traits. Some have more than one.


What is IT that makes the A32A, that deserves the equal or above BR to these planes??


No missiles, useless countermeasures (they are only for VERY specific situation of meeting a SO 4050/MiG-21S at VERY HIGH alttitude)

It’s a Striker aircraft, what are you expecting? If this is underpowered with access to ballistic computer for all weapons, why don’t Gaijin lower Su-7 too?


A32A is a fast subsonic jet with a base of bombs; It’s a Mig-17PF equivalent aircraft, and the Mig-17PF is under-BR’d and needs brought back to 9.0.
It’s faster than an A-4E.
There are zero supersonic aircraft at 9.0.
Javelin is among the worst 8.3s in the game.
Saab 105 is far worse than A32A.
IAR-93B is 0.3 BR higher for the same flight performance.

Su-7 is faster thats why, A32 is subsonic and with bombs its slower than an Su-25 for most of its flight time, speed is a large factor to BR


Is yak 28 not 9.0? Pretty sure im super sonic in that? Idk been a while since i spaded it. Was a pretty good bomber since it had flares and was pretty fast.

It’s… complicated. How aircraft are balanced purely for their ground attack capabilies is a long and complicated issue that Gaijin really needs to address. A good example for this is the Buc S1 at 8.7.

No Guns, No missiles, No CMs and not even decent engines like its older brother the S2. But at 8.7 (just barely lower than the A32A with even less)

You may just have a load of chaff, but that is more than a lot of 9.0-9.7 aircraft have.

Finally something we agree on

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9.3, and subsonic below 4000 meters.

Who’s actually staying under 4000m with it? Idk bomb slinging from high alt was always my goal, enjoyed it more than the Su-7 since low alt bombers are actually food. If you’re not able to get close to mach its even worse

Bomb accuracy mostly.
Back when we had good sized maps [small] I ran min fuel and got up to 80,000 RP per hour in it.
Absolutely ridiculous, now it’s largely mediocre due to larger maps.

Maybe though with flares its still definitely one of the safer and better bomber grinders at early 9.x essentially the perfect duo of flares and speed.

Su-7 with S24 with distance fuze as the snail intended

While A32 A has more weapon options, more hard points, calculation tools. I mentioned that to consider what the OP’s stated about the A32 A while only showing inferior aircrafts.

Yak-28B is a very fragile aircraft indeed effective, cant sustain over ~1 200 km/h without losing the wings.

Does it still get airspawn as well?

None of them do

The CCIP and Guns make it ok at 9.0.

Thanks, I know things like the Buc lost it, but I wasnt sure about the “jet bombers” still air spawn or not

Ill still take the Yak over the Su-7 or the A32, flares are far too valuable, and the speed advantage is a huge plus. Id go as far as to say its the best TT grinder for Russia if your looking for a bomber until you hit Su-25 which imo i just hunt base bombers and forgo the CAS aspect lol. I did the same with my Mig-27’s since i have positive KD’s on all of them because that 30mm is a beast of a gun.

Better in ground RB in a full downtier than it is in air in a downtier. Too weak of an engine to energy fight. Honestly the best jet for sweden here is the J29F even though its a 8.7 chassis but with aim 9B’s

Best advice is to just skip this section of sweden air, its arguably the worst rank of any nation if you’re a casual player. I suggest using something from 7.x or 8.0 vampire to grind until you hit 10.7


I do believe i have been summoned.

I agree plus the J29F also has strike ordinance sure no CCRP but the rockets are definetly still effective