To me it looks like these jets have an all flying tail irl, the whole unit moving when pitching up and down.
In game though only the rear part (which in reality might be a trim tab) moves.
Yet I’m unsure if it’s actually wrong because of how little movement there is in this plane in videos. Could someone confirm my findings??
Might be the opposite to that, like it is on Canberra. Where the yoke inputs controls elevators at the rear of the tailplane, but the there’s also a switch that adjusts the incidence of the whole tailplane to provide nose up or nose down trim
This site says it has “conventional” elevator, and pictures don’t ever show the tailplane at any angle other than horizontal like the F-16 picture…
Thanks, that might be it. This thing was bugging me for so long and I received answers this quickly haha
Replying to myself - I should have read more - that link says the tailplane did have variable incidence - but that means it could be moved from trim purposes rathe than being a flight control.
Variable incidence tailplanes are common these days - perhaps the most obvious example is B737 aircraft - it differs from a stabilator in that it is not a primary flight control.