
A10-C is a joke here. It starts from airfield about 30 km to center of map.
When I am close to center of map about of 90% of the average fight time has passed.

Slow planes should start from air and about 20 km to center of map!!

Thats pretty fine as cost for 9Ms on that low br


They should push the runways back even more.

The A-10C should spawn 100km away and never make it to battle.


They had attacker Spawns for a reason. but remvoed them because of really fast attacker killing aircraft before they could really take off.

While i get people are butt hurt over the A-10C being added. It’s current implementation needs a lot of corrections.

Still funny to me that this is the case when the SU-25s have been rocking R-73s at the same BR bracket for a long while now and nobody bats a eye.

But then a gimped A-10 arrives with 9Ms and suddenly everyone looses their collective minds.

because… yes
thats basic, not first time ofc

only place where A-10C usefull - air rb&sb(bruh), at least now

Su-25BM trades speed and sustained turn rate to HMD + more IRCCM missiles + MAWs(useless in air RB)

The 25s and 10s have incendetly very similar turn rates, the latter only outperforms the SU-25s at extremely low speeds and those seldom ever occur outside of extremely niche situations in ARB as such dogfights will get you a missile or BnZ gun pass done on you by a third party.

You are also putting far too little stock into an aircraft that can maintain almost mach 1 vs one that can not break 400 knots unladen, this is why the AV-8B NA at the same BR as the A-10C just outperforms it in every single metric even though it carries 9Ls.

The 10C only exists as a gimmick, with a HMD and missiles that seldom can use a HMD’s overload, if the 9M had an actual good seeker and TVC like the 73 this would be a different story, but thats not the case.

That and the current A2G options of the 10C are just comical, its flat out worse than the A-10A late currently in most situations.

25 way better at high speeds, but slight difference, yes

its aint that bad, but it underperforms actually
idk, it can just fly away with no reason

theyre same actually, but 10C get option to 65Gs and laser weapons

If Gaijin actually fixes the issues with the A-10C it should be balanced at 11.7

Yes I am aware, the 10C is a 10.7 aircraft if it carries the standard 6 AGM-65Ds, but you cant do that with the only A2G boon the 10C gets, being the TGP, limiting you to only 4 mavs, which, mind you, cannot be carried on the 10C as asymmetric loadouts of such configurations are not permitted per it’s SAC. The laser mavs on the other hand are a direct downgrade to the IR mavs, their max launch range is still 10km and they have inferior kinematic performance, their only use is if you hate people hiding next to wrecks, but even then you are handicapping yourself since you can only carry 2.

Not to mention that, once again, the AV-8B NA is just better since it can carry 4 of both types of mavs without carriage issues.

a book is open to a page that says for her true love

Took them, what, 3, 5 years to give the HSTV-L HE-VT?

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