This thread is a compilation and classification of previously accepted Chinese 125mm MBT armor and models bugs reports. Including:
ZTZ96 9.3
ZTZ96A 10.3
ZTZ96A (P)10.3
ZTZ99-II 11.0
ZTZ99-III 11.0
MBT2000 11.0
AI-Khalid 11.0
ZTZ99A 12.0
WZ1001 (LCT) 12.0
VT-4A1 12.0
All BR is based on RB mode, version
These bugs negatively affect the gameplay of China Ground RB since all the MBT has significant flaws in armor protection ability.
A lot of these reports was approved from 3 month to 2 years ago, and the main only fix was ZTZ99A rework implemented in Dragon Dance major update. Although after the ZTZ99A model rework, there are still some bugs existed on the new model.
It can be said that it takes years for Gaijin to fix these bugs. Since several reports has been accepted long time ago, Gaijin crew members might not remember to fix these bugs. So this thread is also a reminder for developers to fix them ASAP.
The armor protection bug reports could be classified into two main parts:
Turret and the Hull/Chassis
=================================Turret bugs================================
Most issues are about the gun trunnion support structure and gun mantlet.
1, Gun trunnion support structure
Mostly from this report:
中系大部分125 炮载具缺少耳轴支撑结构 (其它系载具甚至有耳轴的损伤装甲模型) // // Issues
The gun mantlet of VT4, ZTZ99A,WZ1001 lack inner side structures // // Issues
Inside the gun mantlet there is just empty, the gun just floats in the turret without gun trunnion support structure.
These bugs existed in all Chinese 125mm MBT so in the gamplay, any autocannon vehicle could easily break the gun breech and kill the crew inside the turret.
For VT-4A1, it even lacks more armor:
Incorrect turret modeling for VT-4 // // Issues
Fixed required: make trunnion parts armor in both 3D model and damage model (DM)
ZTZ99A partially received trunnion armor in model rework.
2, Gun mantlet
The issue is the area inside the gun mantlet is too large. See these pictures from this report:
ZTZ96 series gun mount armor error // // Issues
The area inside the gun mantlet should be an upside-down rectangle, not a square. The less the area, the less chance gun breech break happened from autocannon.
This bug is not only on ZTZ96, but also seriously on ZTZ96A,ZTZ96AP,WZ1001.
WZ1001 LCT:
WZ1001E also lacks gun mount armor // // Issues
ZTZ-99A turret armor problem // // Issues
Fixed requried: reduce the area inside the gun mantlet. On ZTZ99A it was fixed by 3D model rework. Although the area shrink is not very obvious.
3, ERA division.
It happens on several China and Russian MBT that several ERA module was counted as 1 ERA module in DM. Developers refused to divided them because it may cause more problems in DM.
However, on MBT2000, AI-Khalid and VT-4A1, the ERA on turret is just one whole piece which significant reduced the turret protection ability under multiple attacks.
The ERAs of VT4A1&MBT2000 needs to be refined. // // Issues
VT4-A1 | The FY-4 ERA on the turret of VT-4A1 is not divided // // Issues
VT-4A1 turret requires more ERA // // Issues
Fix required: divided the turret ERA from a whole into 2 pieces of ERA module in DM.
===============================Hull/Chassis bugs================================
Unfortunately, Hull/Chassis bugs are more than the turret bugs. And these bugs are making the gameplay even worse.
1, Hull Armor KE value
This bugs is for ZTZ99A(after rework) and VT-4A1
After the 3d model rework, ZTZ99A hull KE value is less than 700mm KE and could be penetrated by DM53 L55 in some circumstance. Before the rework it was hardly happened.
ZTZ99A amror penetration resistance wrong // // Issues
For VT-4A1, in game it never reaches its real hull armor protection value, which is 750mm KE and 1300mm CE.
Incorrect ERA and armor for VT-4A1 // // Issues
Required fixed: restore the armor protection value of ZTZ99A and VT-4A1 to the value mentioned in the reports.
2, No dart ricocheting on VT-4A1 Hull
Leopard A7V had this bug before as well, however it got fixed while VT-4A1 is still not.
The upper hull of VT-4 can’t bounce APFSDS correctly // // Issues
Fix required: make the upper UFP of VT-4A1 be able to ricochet APFSDS.
3, Hull composite armor should be extend to LFP
Again this bugs happened on ZTZ99A(after rework) and VT-4A1 too.
VT4 Armor model error // // Issues
ZTZ99a hull composite armor length needs to be increased // // Issues
The Hull composite armor should be extend towards to some part of LFP , particularly more extension for VT-4A1,reducing the weak area of LFP.
Fix required: extend hull composite armor to LFP of ZTZ99A and VT-4A1
4, Missing hull composite armor back-plate
Wrong armor structure for MBT2000 and VT4 // // Issues
The hull composite armor back-plate for VT4A1 is missing, which caused significant less protection of these VT-4A1. Recall the previous bug that VT-4A1 lacks 750mm KE and 1300mm CE hull protection, it could be solved by adding the back-plate and incease the hull protection value.
Fix required: add the back-plate for hull composite armor of VT-4A1.
5, ZTZ99 series chassis 3D model error (main issue requires more 3D model rework)
Basically there 2 main issues:
ZTZ99-II, ZTZ99-II, WZ1001 LCT’s chassis is too low, so it caused these MBT LFP area too large , which makes the weak area bigger. The chassis should be lifted up.
If we check the old and new model of ZTZ99A, you can see the difference.
The first one is old model and the second one is the new. See the driver’s leg position.
Another main issue is the length of chassis of ZTZ-99A(after rework) and WZ1001 LCT should be shorten.
In reality these 2 MBT’s length is less than the old ZTZ99-II and ZTZ99-III.
Short the chassis is actually to shrink the whole 3D model of the tank. Make the tank low profile.
ZTZ99Ⅱ/Ⅲ&ZTZ99A series vehicle chassis modeling error. // // Issues
ZTZ-99A/WZ1001 (E) Chassis Error (Correction and Supplement) // // Issues
So rework the 3D model will of course rework the internal parts of the tank, particularly the autoloader postion should be lifted up too, reducing the possibility of ammo explosion from attack towards LFP .
ZTZ99A ammunition loader height issue // // Issues
ZTZ99A/WZ1001E loading machine height error // // Issues
Fix required:
Rework the 3D model of ZTZ99-II,ZTZ-99III, ZTZ-99A, WZ1001 LCT. Shorten the chassis length of
ZTZ-99A, WZ1001 LCT, lift the autoloader of ZTZ-99A, WZ1001 LCT. And lift the chassis height of ZTZ99-II,ZTZ-99III, WZ1001 LCT.
Btw, although MBT2000 does not need a 3d model rework, is autoloader still need to be lifted up
the height of MBT2000 ammunition rack should be raised upwards // // Issues
6, ZTZ96 series has 2° more hull tilt angle
Many WT players are not awareness of the hull tilt angle ingame. It actually is the hidden bonus gun depression, while it is hidden reduction of gun elevation limit of course.
Some 3rd generation MBT and some modern IFV has hull tilt angle in game. For example, T-72A, T-72M1 and T-72AV in game has around 1.6 degree hull tilt angle, plus the its own turret gun depreesion -6 degree, the real gun depression of T-72A series is -7.6 degree, making it a fair sniper tank. While this gun depression is only affect in the front-face aspect. It will attenuate as you spin the turret.
For ZTZ96 ZTZ96A ZTZ96A(P), there are 2 degree hull tilt angle missing here.
ZTZ-96/A/AP has a turret ring tilt angle // // Issues
ZTZ96 series suspension tilt angle error // // Issues
Different reporters think it is turret ring tilt or suspension tilt, but the fix required here is to give 2 degree hull tilt angle to ZTZ96 series.
Finally, all Chinese 125mm MBT is lacking spall liners, not only MBT, but also modern vehicles including ZBD04A and ZLT11. But I do not think Gaijin will implemented all, since Russian tank from T-55 to T90, they all have spall liners missing reports accepted too. If every vehicles mentioned above receive spall liners implemented, the balance will be very likely broken.
Chinese spall liners reports:
VT4 missing spall liners // // Issues
China all 3rd generation MBT lack their armor lining // // Issues
A Video evidence of ZTZ99A have spall liners in reality // // Issues
A Video evidence of ZTZ99Ⅱ/Ⅲ MBT2000have spall liners in reality // // Issues
ZLT11/ZTZ96(A) missing spall liners // // Issues
ZBD04A missing spall liners // // Issues
Russian MBT missing spall liner reports
Т-80 (все версии) Отсутствует подбой // // Issues
Т-55 (все версии) Отсутствует подбой // // Issues
Т-64 (все версии) Отсутствует подбой // // Issues
Т-90 (все версии кроме Т-90М) Отсутствует подбой // // Issues
Т-72 (все версии) Отсутствует подбой // // Issues
Again, this is a summary of previously passed reports. It helps Developers, Technical moderators, players no matter playing China branch or not, to fully understand what are the problems so far and what we needs to fix. We can believe if these bugs got reasonably fix, the China TT will be more competitive and attractive. More people will be willing to invest and grind the China TT.