A Subtree for Israel

While i agree that Chile buy a lot stuff from Israel. I don’t think that will be the same on the Future. Israel did a dirty move working with Argentine. Elbit even got involved on the TAM MBT. That is said its one of the main reason Chile decide to work with Aselsan to upgrade it Leopard2 fleet. Instead of Elbit.

They’ve worked with Argentina since back when the tensions between them and Chile were at their highest, and yet Chile’s relations only grew after that. Regardless, it only makes sense for Aselan to have been the company to modernize their leopards (which still haven’t been modernized yet), as they have more experience with this than Israel does. I don’t believe Elbit offers any upgrades for Leopards last I checked, and I don’t even remember them being considered for the project. Them working on the TAM had nothing to do with it, and it wasn’t some “dirty move”. There was no Chilean pressure to not go along with the project anyway.


What happened is that initially it was planned to modernize with Elbit only the vision and communications devices of the Chilean Leopard 2, then it was learned that they did the same work for the Argentine TAM, which was not well received by the Chilean army since they did not want share the same technology as with Argentina (due to a possible conflict in the future), for that reason it was decided to modernize the tanks with Turkey which greatly upset Elbit since they lost a contract of much more money than what Argentina paid, they even sent a letter of complaint. In any case, the update with Turkey escalated to new levels and the Chilean leopard will be one of the most modern in the world since it will integrate everything.


Im from Chile. There are a lot stuff going around. One of them if that the current Chilean Gov. Don’t like Israel (this might change in the next gov). The other one is what i said. Elbit (OIP Land Systems) even try to Complaint this saying thing like the TAM would never be considere a tread for Chilean tanks. But this is a mayor thing in the project that even Aselsan option could be turn down. Because sometime ago Turkey sold Argentine some radars for ground detection.

In the past Chile Army was always grateful for the help they provide. They are even the one Upgrading the Chilean Marders.

Oh so they were considered, but they just wanted it to be different from the TAMs huh… interesting. So it became an issue after it occurred, but the modernization of the TAM was never itself an issue until they offered to modernize the Leopards to similar standards. Didn’t even know Elbit was considered in the first place, thanks for the info.

Regardless, to say this one instance in which they were rejected from modernizing a single vehicle is a reason this nations shouldn’t go to Israel as a subtree is just flat out stupid. The past relations (if even they aren’t as strong in the present) are more than enough of a reason to add all of these vehicles to Israel, or at the very least just the ones Israel had connections with.

mmm, what?

Absolutely, Gaijin does not care about Israel, at least not yet.


I’m not sure, but I think Elbit worked in the FCS of the Leopard 2SG from Singapore.

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yee that would be nice

You should be more realistic. India has barely any cultural connections with the UK and resents Colonisation.

Then why isn’t India a Tech Tree yet? Has less copy/paste than Israel and is the 4th strongest military

“Israel has too many vehicles to be a subtree” “let’s give Israel India” you sound like a hypocrite

I proposed India would have been an ideal subtree given its present day ties with Israel. It won’t happen given it’s a subtree to Great Britain.

The Israeli tree is just fine without any subtrees at the moment, but it would be nice to have one. It does have too many vehicles to be a subtree, and suggesting adding actual subtrees to this main tech tree doesn’t change that fact. On top of that I would personally rather have seen India as its own tech tree, but alas it seems gaijin is set on making it a subtree for some reason…

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Because India has had no significant military action since ww2, compared to Israel who has been fighting wars in the middle east since it’s creation, oh and winning them.

This is a game about historical military vehicles and as such, countries with significantly more modern military history should be prioritised as tech trees than ones who don’t

yes, but look at the population of Israel barely 10 Million meanwhile India has more than 1.4 Billion. an Indian TT would bring in more players so from a business perspective India makes more sense

While population has nothing to do with a tree’s validity in war thunder, i do see your point about the demand for an indian tree from their respective players, there would in an Ideal world be a tree for every nation but it simply isn’t feasible for matchmaking, and when Indian vehicles mainly consist of sidegrades to soviet tech with a few domestic projects sprinkled in.

Their legitimacy is equal to Israel imo but as Smin and other staff have stated, India has been allocated to Great Britain as a commonwealth subtree, and it’s too late to change that so Indian players will simply have to grind GB.

But russia has it’s own tech tree already…

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Short answer - No
Long answer - Hell no

Congratulations! You happen to the first Antisemitic LOTR fan I’ve ever stumbled upon!
(Unless you’ve got a good explanation for that)

No subtree, but better air defenses. In the end i want the iron dome 😉🎗️🇮🇱