Hello everyone,
So, I just released a new video related to the news that I’m reading from WarThunders website. All the news I’ve read is 3 days or newer. In the video I talk about 3 posts that Gaijin made related to WarThunder I will put a link below the link to the video to them. Enjoy, and have a great time!
My new video:
(29) A small event for a small nation “Swedish Armed Forces Day: The SAV 20.12.48 and a Decal!” and more! - YouTube
Talking point 1:
[Special] Swedish Armed Forces Day: The SAV 20.12.48 and a Decal! - News - War Thunder
Talking point 2:
Update - Updates - Game - War Thunder
Talking point 3:
[Video] Thunder Show: SECRET SKILLS - News - War Thunder