A refuge for the Russian-speaking community

Now I don’t know if I can pay for the nickname change…



Так ещё и аутентификация сломана код на эмаил не приходит, я не могу зайти на ру форум.

but we didn’t have any problems with payment before separating…

Ета жи другооооое, ви не понимаетеее

The translator could not translate such a play on words. Yes, and I myself don’t know how it could be translated and retain the meaning.

не заходи, потеряешь аккаунт у гайджинов/do not sign in in russian forum

By coins. I dont think that it will be hard to earn them

It will be if you have a busy real life

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Антошу ващет

It is otheeeeeer, u don’t get it.


Haha, classic…


Вообще com форум по идее многонациональной так что технически нету никакой проблемы писать на русском

There is. They have it written down in the rules. that communication is only in English. In our own language - we chat in special reservations

Uh, sometimes containers(idk how to name them) drops and you can sell them
If you lucky enough - only one.

sounds like ГУЛАГ


Only in English…


We lost Kirill, Шизофрению too
They transferred the account to the CIS


So does the current .ru forum though

You are sent there and can’t go back

Axaxaxaxax, sorry…

@Арквейд_Брюнстад For whom was it written in pure English???

XD, The latest events are making me dizzy

They have writen, that everybody can decide to change to the pixelstorm or to stay with gajin, they do not warn us, that we will lose our success to russian forum. This is violation of our rights, that we can not more communicate in russian, especially Russian-speaking people need to speak out somewhere their opinion.