A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

When are we expecting the revision to this mechanic to go live ???

when Gaijin needs a distraction to calm players down after next awfull change they do …


The boys are calculating pi on an abacus, so it will take them a while.

So far, a year and a half hasn’t been enough.


I just noticed that this topic is the by far most recently discussed and viewed one in the Forum… you could think that this one is important to the community…

Don’t worry, I trust Gaijin to add an extra 5% bonus RP to this mechanic, to show that they really listen to us. We should be grateful that we are receiving anything at all.

Personally, I will be buying another 100 000 GE to prove my loyalty to the snail.


This is very important to the community, but I’m not sure if Gaijin feels the same way. The longer we wait, the more certain I become of my statement

They calculate how much they will earn vs how many players will resign.

When can we expect an update on this?
The last post on the test stated “Soon after the major update” which was on the 10’th.


Well, as we can see… they dont care for neither

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So u say we can continue to do forum stuff on this topic without it being deleted? :) Amazing!

So… 53% Recent Positive on Steam right now, will not take much more to be below 50% and then we can officially say that 50% of the players that recently made a review dont like this game.

For a game that claims to listen to the community thats quite impressively bad. Wonder why lol…

For Sep till today we already cracked the 49% are positive…

So, may i asked again? When will you “gaijin” fix your game and reduce the grind and give the vets a benefit of kinda keeping your game alive?

Its nice to see they did smt, like the APHE on the russian 45mm… but hell that is now broken af… but hey, at least a fresh wind for a few matches fighting with and against it… but i dont want to imagine i need to grind that BR right now as Germany/USA or any country that is not UDSSR… u basically play now with -20% winrate till 6.7 against them


not at all what i was saying.
I’m just saying that Game Masters are not responsible for forum moderation, The Forum Moderators are.

You have not asked me this before nor do i have an answer. I’m an unpaid volunteer that moderates in-game chat and deal with chat-bans and name-bans, I currently have no knowledge or access to anything else behind the scenes other than that.

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Sorry, the “gaijin” question wasnt really addressed to you and more to “the snail” the “mastermind” steering the game developement…

Its was still very interesting to see that around your posts a few post from other magically disapeared… as if someone didnt wanted to have “not so nice” posts around his request to stona to increase his chances… but hey … someone did deleted some posts, if not u then someone else and for me i dont differenciate, you work for them or support them, so ure part of “the snail”. If your “collegues” do stuff u dont know about… well thats not good but i still blame you then, cause i see your name in here… if you dont like it, tell your collegues to stop deleting stuff … to me they dont listen when i tell them ;)


Posts are only deleted if they break the rules/ToS/etc.

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Jea i dont mind then, but usually you get a message then that u broke the rules! In this case i didnt and the post from winston was also not really smt against the rules either and got deleted…
In fact this happens already aince years in this forum and i have a old thread open about this excakt issue.

Seems like nothing has changed…

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Are they getting actually deleted or just flagged and hidden?

Most likely deleted. I myself was muted by the system. Probably for using the D word (in other topic). Not to be confused with a word ending in k!

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Soon. Please keep an eye on the news.


I’m ready to get disappointed.