A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

True but lets be honest… since planes dont cost 40k+ anymore… who cares? Having a Prem acc guarantess you already to make always a profit… having a bottom limit that u never reach anyway is kinda obsolete, even when you get smacked by a ARH missle out of nowhere.

like is said the Magach 6 variants, merkava 1, and the Merk 3 series all have a single tier 3 APFSDS.
running around stock and getting wasted by the ever present premiums, Leo1 L44, T55-Am1, OF-40, turms, Type 96A (p), leo 123, KVT, etc, etc.

even losing 1k SL is still a net loss for that battle.

It’s less useful after the other SL improvements yes, but its more like a safety net for players that might not be that good but stil want to climb to more modern vehicles at a reasonable pace. it’s not a huge change, but it is nice to have.

and i am not saing its a bad mechanic, i just say its a mechanic for like less then 1% of the battles…

But to a different topic…

what u think will happen in the next years? There arent that many tanks and planes that are considered more modern and can fill new Brs. And i hope they start to put more older stuff into the game and in best case even create a new reward system that gives you at least smt when playing your favourite stuff. Idk like gimme a reason to play my Tiger1, gimme gunmarks, gimme boosters that i can grind for every week (so i need to play less of what i dont like or havent spaded yet) or gimme just smt (not a decal though, no one needs that)

oh and fucking get that stupid 45mm APHE out of the russian planes ASAP!

I looked up your average placement in Ground Realistic and it is 79% (NICE! good job man!). which means that you play better than ~98.8% (!!) of all players in the game. So everyone below you (basically almost all players) are going to have use for the mechanic way more often than you :) Source.

1% of games for you might mean 10-15% for someone else or 0.1% for a third player.

In air realistic you are at 57% average placement, which is slightly above average (lets say exact middle for sake of argument). so half of the players are going to have more use for it than you do and the other half are going to have less use than you do. but still, it’s something many forget.

Yea, again, i dont think its a bad mechanic, i just say that we have bigger issues unaddressed and developing that system while you just released dynamic repair costs seems a bit weird to me… yea its nice but dont they have a projectplan or smt in developement? Also the only reason that bottom limit was even considered was the SL reward nerv in the first place…
so in line they

first reduced SL rewards-> then introduced dynamic repair and → then prem acc “insurance” to never get loss in a battle…

thats so fucked up in so many ways… but whatever… barely anyone has complained with the old Reward system about the 40k+ repair costs… only after the reduction it was a big problem… they lid the fire themself and then they fought it themself to claim that they have done smt and celebrate themself… fu** off.

It was developed at the same time and released like within a month of the dynamic repairs, it was basically part of the same “wave” of economy changes. So i would view it more of like a “package” of changes where that mechanic was a part of it.
Had it come a year later i would agree with you.

Again, at the end they did a hilarious move to hide that they basically just nerved the rewards…

Lowered the rewards and then implemented systems to reduce SL loss and lower repair cost… but the buy prices kept the same so you need now to play even more to get thorugh the tech tree… at the end its just a big fat Grind increase. Just hidden. Firefighting my own fire to be celebrated as the hero… while in reality i just want to make an insurance fraud, but thats my little secret i dont tell anyone.

btw that method they use also for a lot of other topics… easies example, bringing Premiums out that are broke OP (2S38) to later announce they will introduce detailed models to counter it a bit… ah cmon… just dont bring that OP crap out in the first place… same with helis… u could have released it in a balanced way and you decided to not… just to claim later that u have fixed what u intentially released in a broken state…

in germany that called “arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme”, i purposely do smt to have more work later and make the customer pay for longer.

Reward payouts could definitely stand to increase by at least 2-3x at the minimum. The fact that activity time dictates so much of your reward payout is a bit ridiculous and poor economy design. I get the intent but the fact that kills pay next to nothing is bonkers. Ground vehicle progression is still an absolutely slog, even for someone with premium time and uses premium vehicles regularly. But like most feedback, it just ends up in the shredder.

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Actually, the time rewards is still the same as always, they just have cut the kill/assist rewards down by a lot a few year ago, so in comparison time is now more valuble.

Fastest way to grind is still,
spawn->run heads on into the battle->kill in best case 1-2 or more enemys->next battle.
That way you can do 10-15 battles an hour getting more results as if you play them till the end and only do 3-4 matches. (GRB)

Having 4 matches average you get idk, maybe 200k SL and 25k RP.
But doing 10 matches quick and dirty you get at least 30k and 3k a battle so 300k SL and 30K RP, if you have a good match even a ton more while a good game in “fought till the end” matches only doubles your reward you get x3-x4 on the quick and dirty route. Especially when you still have stuff left to be spaded the hit and leave tactics is much much faster as u only need one tank and not a whole lineup.

They’ve also removed a lot of small rewards that added up. Like you use to get three score points a second sitting on point. Why they removed that, I have no idea. I don’t recall it ever being communicated.

Not sure but i know at some point they changed it so you dont get the full reward anymore when someone else is capping with you toghther. Basically the 100% bonus from capping is cut down to every player capping, depending on how long you sit on the cappoint already you get the % for it.

That was actually communicated, but long time ago they changed it, may even years already.

Guys, It’s me or XP boosters aren’t dropping like they used to. I haven’t had any at 100% or higher for a few days now.

But realistically, what’s the problem with not having toptiers researched when you dont enjoy that gameplay anyway?

Research limitation keeps you from seal clubbing ranks 1-3 to get to high ranks. It’s partially noob protection. Sure anyone no matter the skill and experience can play down there for fun, but at least it doesn’t attract the swarms of sweatlords looking for the quickest or easiest grind method.

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But realistically, what’s the problem with not having toptiers researched

in short, me and many play this game for progress, you called out yourself that u want to get progress faster without the need to play the brs u dont like.

If there would be no rank limitation there would be no sealclubbing possible as everyone would play what they like and not what they are forced to play to get progress… so that dog bites himself in the tail.
As long as there is a limitation, i also dont enjoy rank 4 (my fav) the way i could, cause barely any half decent player is playing that br, if i am lucky i see 1-2 lvl 100 in the matches. And its not because they dont like that BR, its because they dont get any progress out of it…

And sealclubbing is in this game no matter what BR you play, if u play with an aced crew an aced vehicle and an above average Vehicle in the first place you will bonk the player away no matter what. The only difference in high tier, its often stone paper scissors, meaning if you have a certain vehicle there is nothing even the most skilled enemy player can do against you and same comes true the other way around.

The higher BR you go, the less brain u need to do smt in the game and the higher you go the more important is your choise of weapon… u pick smt bad… get rekt… u pick smt above average u bonk everyone away till they spawn in CAS… and against CAS u do nothing other then dieing and then spawning in an AA and then ure stuck again needing to switch to a Tank if you want to continue the fight on the battlefield…or go CAS yourself but hightier CAS is just Hilarius.

At the end, this game continues to be a PvP game, if you have the feeling that u get sealclubbed then get better. Hard to say but that the reality, either u enjoy being bad or you get better. There is no way around that in a online Teambased game, even in a Team Pve Mode, if u suck, u get nothing and the rest will just take advantage of you. But that the core of a Competitive Team game isnt it? Whats the fun in grinding without the feeling of getting better? Of getting progress? Of being a valuable team mate?

If you only have fun in lower tiers, you need to get out of the “I NEED TO PROGRESS” mindset. Why unlock things you don’t want to play anyway.

I don’t need to get progress faster because I’m okay with the current rate, and I play pretty much every rank at least semi-regularly except rank 1 (which I dont mind playing through bc its super quick), you don’t need to play every BR.

People who want to progress with as little effort as possible could just farm new players in rank 1 for easy high kill counts. There would absolutely be sealclubbing. In fact, there already is sealclubbing, it’s just done by fewer people because the ones that want to progress can’t get any progress down there.

Sealclubbing is relevant at the BRs that most new players start at; which are the first few ones. People buying high tier prems before they get accustomed to the game deliberatey do that to themselves.
It’s not even sealclubbing if you play those BRs for fun imo, but if you decide to go play there with the intent to farm players that just started the game, it’s sealclubbing. There is a difference.

This whole paragraph just tells me you don’t know how to play high tier. High tier ist mostly just faster. Stabilizers make your reaction speed faster. LRFs speed up the process to get an accurate shot. Thermals make target acquisition faster.
It’s not braindead, you just gotta be quick in decision making. Sure, you can pen most tanks easily, but on the other hand, if you whiff your shot or react too late, you’re dead. In low tier, if you miss a shot, you can get away with it pretty often.
If you think high tier gameplay needs so little brain, then I wonder how you’d explain why most people are unable to score anything up there.

CAS can be avoided for the most part with map knowledge. Can’t get hit if there’s terrain between you and them. But that’s another point where you have to think and you don’t want to realize that thinking is part of high tier gameplay.

that does not excuse rewarding veterans with easy progression for farming new players that barely played an hour or two. new players won’t think “oh i just gotta get better huh”, they won’t have fun getting seal clubbed and stop playing before they get hooked. and stopping the flow of new players is how a live service game dies.

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Well, u took it now to the exreme, i never saied i want to play rank 1, as stated before i like rank 4 alot. Everythink i say i reflect into that. U just took my words and bulled up the extreme and didnt even considerd that we have 8 Ranks right now, u just took rank 1 as your example but what is with rank 4,5,6? Gaijin themself limit rank 1 and 2 out of most, see events and dailys, u can only do them (daily the big one and every event) starting rank 3, so why not being able to grind everythink with rank 3? yea in rank 1-2 it would be extreme, but not when i play my rank 4 or 5… but i cant right now. cause of that reasons i gave before.

Also, why should i lose my interest in progress as you say? i dont get that. If i would not care for progress i would not play this game, ever. Theres millions of non grinder games out there to play that are more fun, but i want to grind and makre progress, but i want to make this game better and not worse with every update. Don´t really understand why u argue with me about that.

And i am very aware of how the different BRs work and its definitly not “just faster”.
Its not proving smt but check the average players, the higher BR the worse they are, cause in midtier they get nothing out of a game when they are not good and in hightier the skill factor simply matters much less to do at least smt.

Its very simple, u take a lvl 1 player, give them a rank 4, let them play 100 matches, and then u take a clone of that guy and let him play 100 matches at 11…7.
I bet you 10k that the guy playing 11.7 will get more kills.

SImply cause the higher u go the less impact your expirience has.

just got the idea of a even better showcase to show that hightier is less skillbased…

Imagine on what BR a BOT, a AI would do better… i think thats very obvious.

When are we expecting the revision to this mechanic to go live ???

when Gaijin needs a distraction to calm players down after next awfull change they do …