A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations


Hey everyone! Today we’d like to share some more details regarding Research bonuses for new nations.

Let’s get right to it! We plan to release this feature before the next major update. Additionally, we’re planning to start internal testing by our team on the main server next week. Afterwards, you’ll be able to test the feature too and if all works well we’ll be good to go - once the live test starts we’ll let everyone know.

Regarding visuals, earlier on we shared some very basic concepts, but here’s what the feature will look like (part of it at least) once it’s implemented into the game.


Some further details and clarifications about the mechanic:

  • As we mentioned earlier, the bonus will be available after unlocking the top vehicle of a tech tree.
  • The bonus will be active for 3 battles per day for each nation where the player doesn’t have the top vehicle of the same type unlocked (aircraft, bluewater ships and coastal vessels, ground vehicles, helicopters).
  • The bonus will be calculated from the base earned RP in the same way as the Skill bonus is.
  • The bonus works in any Random battles game mode, and will be applied if a vehicle of this kind was used in it. For example the bonus for aircraft will also be added to the base reward acquired on aviation not only in Air battles, but in Ground or Naval battles as well.

Of course though this doesn’t showcase the whole mechanic, you can check out everything yourself when the public test starts, so stay tuned for the news!

War Thunder Team


Nice change, we are finally getting it after waiting for so long, but how big is the bonus?

3 battles a day isn’t a lot, if bonus is below 50% it’s not going to be very useful

Edit: Oh, i’ve just realized it is calculated from base RP… unless it’s 100% or more, it’s totally worthless


Lol, that’s just useless. Seems like that x2 RP for first battle in a day is a lost tech at this point.


I would have liked my suggestion for 2x or even x5 for the first battle of each nation, to have passed (to be re-introduced). I’ll obviously give it a go, but as it stands it seems to be a little lack lustered, but i will reserve judgement until I’ve tried the new system.

Will there be time for adjustments/improvements to the Calculations if required @Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT i see this as a significant milestone for players who have achieved top tier, especially for members who’ve already done this multiple times, in some cases all Tech Trees

is the reward, worth the grind involved ???


So aka this bonus doesn’t apply to people who have put an embarrassing amount of time into the game. I have every plane, tank and heli and I don’t even get a single bonus for that? Wtf


So literally nothing, sad. I was really hoping it was reworked into passive daily RP income, however small, but I guess that was just wishful thinking.


Ow gee, 3 whole battles?? Insanity, you guys are too generous


im absolutely shocked that the bonus meant to help people research new trees doesnt help people who already have everything

absolutely shocked


This bonus seems very insignificant and limited…

I was expecting something like +10% permanent RP bonus per nation with unlocked top rank techtree vehicle. This way if a player has all nations up to top rank it is +100%, but each individual nation gives a less significant bonus.
Players that really only care about specific nations would still be incentivised to get the bonus, as it’s applied to all research and it being permanent rather than just 3 battles incentivises playing longer. Both of these aspects seem like they can profit Gaijin in the long run, while also pleasing players with a nice bonus.

Of course if that’s too high the value can be adjusted, but the concept is way superior to a 3 battles bonus applied to nations you don’t have top tier from. This will only help when a player already wanted to play another nation, but not give incentive if they don’t.


。。。。are you guys want your player only play 3 match per day?


Waiting for a more than a year and Is Just a bonus for 3 battles? Gaijin Never fail to disappoint


To be fair, it was announced to be exactly this from the start, but I suppose most people didn’t read the announcement carefully because I really struggle to imagine how one could get excited (or upset over the delays) for something so utterly inconsequential.


I know people that do 3 battles a day, and some that do 20.
I think 3 per tech tree per day is rather decent, especially if you take into account simulator matches.

50% above base RP sounds low, but IDK. I’d have to test it.


As far as I understood it, this “bonus” was supposed to give players who stayed soo long in the game to research a nation to the top a small “thanks” for their efforts and to give them the motivation to grind another tree. Yes I fully agree.

But to completely spit on long time players is what I don’t understand. This bonus will probably be really small but at the very least they could give us that


Gaijin treating playerbase like animals part 948583475. This is laughable change.


i mean its a research bonus…
if u dont have anything left to research…
you wont need the bonus and dont get it lol


It’s 3 battle per vehicle type per day.


And what is with next patch?


where exactly they mentioned it would be bonus for limited amount of battles per day? Pls show


Have you seen RP rates on helicopters?