I’m new to the CDK and slowly learning it to do mission making and was wondering:
If it’s possible to modify how tanks aim, I wanted to make the players mouse control the tank turret as if it were a joystick, so if the player were to move their mouse slightly one direction the turret would continue to move in that direction slowy, moving the mouse a bit further would speed this turret rotation speed up. Obviously I could just get people to plug in joysticks but not everyone owns one so is it possible to code this in somehow??
Ground battle maps kill area: I want to use some pre-existing ground maps but tanks cannot spawn outside of the map as they’re greeted with the 20sec return to the battle area kill, is there anyway of turning this off or do I just need to stick to air maps?
Is it possible I make ai tanks “scan” their surroundings by moving their turrets left and right? I have not seen any options in the CDK to really adjust how ai move and react other than just the simple fire at will, hold fire, return fire, etc.
I imagine this is too much of a want and I’m dreaming but is there a way to create a new view for players? like if I wanted player to be inside of a tank and use a gunner view that doesnt cover the entire screen?