A Decal, Decoration and Discounts on Soviet Vehicles!

the KV-1E isnt that good

maybe not in your hands, but lord. i have seen a team of both german kv-1E and russian ones, and there were two players who almost single handedly wiped our whole team, they rushed around the city map, and since the slightest angle makes it so hard to pen or just shatters the shell,

Challenge accepted.

Will buy it and get negative KD with it. You just watch!

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Even better idea, grab the KV-1B and bully them back😂

unfortunately, my War thunder budget for the next 4-5 months is currently $0.
Plus I have no idea what the current market price of the KV-1B is.

Yeah same here. Think it’s fetching ~$60 USD

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Well that’s ~$10 USD less than the last time I checked lol
still ain’t gonna happen tho, or at least not for a long time lol

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Russian bias

Wish Microsoft and y’all can just make an agreement.

I use my KV-1B and take my friend with KV-1E to squad up. This way there are nearly no high penetration guns in enemy team and i am unaffected by KV-1E flood.

This is just bullying at this point. Those poor Shermans and M24s can’t do anything

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4 very good vehicles plus 7K GE for 32 dollars??? I think is a good choice for return to the game!

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I have it too and it’s amazing but I don’t think I could stomach it being 6.3 lol

Lmfao that really is 😂

Tbh KV-220 isn’t that broken anymore. It’s getting carried by clueless german mains and Yak-9UT these days.

It’s still very good, but i would no longer call it overpowered since they moved it up to 6.0

ATM the store will not recognize ownership of the Mig-15. Some owners of the MIG-15 will not be able to buy the tank at a discount without buying the plane again. Probably because it was sold as GE item lately.
This should be fixed.


17pdr want to say a word to you

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As does the Pak 40 and other 75mm long guns really,

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KV-1E returning to shop over and over again reminds me of this weird logic.

Then again the ingame KV-1E/B lacks many details, which the real Finnish version had. At what point it would be considered a new version?

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good one!