A Decal and Discounts on the Rooikat 105 and Rooivalk for South African Armed Forces Day!

South Africa celebrates Armed Forces Day on February 21st. The South African National Defence Force was founded in its current form in 1994 after the abolition of apartheid and Nelson Mandela coming into power. At the time, compulsory conscription was abolished. Currently, the South African Armed Forces have more than 100,000 personnel including reservists, making them the combat-ready armed forces in the region.

The Rooikat 105 and Rooivalk Mk1F CSH are on a discount for Golden Eagles and are part of a discounted bundle!

The Rooikat 105 and the Rooivalk Mk1F CSH are available at a 30% discount for 6,363 and 5,992 Golden Eagles respectively.

Both of these South African vehicles can also be purchased in the Gaijin.net store as a single pack at a 50% discount!

When: From today until February 24th (10:00 GMT).

Where: Great Britain > Army / Helicopters > Premium vehicles.

  • The Rooikat 105 (rank VI) is a versatile and mobile light tank with a maximum speed of 120 km/h! It differs from the first variant as it features a 105 mm cannon, aided by a thermal imager and stabilizer. Use this vehicle to outflank your enemies, shoot from a distance or take daring attacks at close range — just try not to expose yourself to enemy fire!

  • The Rooivalk Mk1F CSH (rank VI) is a combat helicopter with good flight characteristics, a thermal imager, RWR and countermeasures. It’s armed with a 20 mm GI2 cannon and has six hardpoints for weaponry, including the Mistral air-to-air missile, the ZT-6 Mokopa air-to-ground missile and FZ49 HEAT rockets.

South African Armed Forces Day bundle -50%

The Kit Includes:
  • Rooikat 105 Pack;
  • Rooivalk Pack.

110 54.99

Get the “South African Air Force Emblem” decal!

Get yourself this decal by completing the task below.

When: From today until February 24th (10:00 GMT).

Task: Play 3 battles using British aircraft at rank III or above to receive the “South African Air Force Emblem” decal!

South African Air Force Emblem decal

Additional details:

  • Your activity must not be below 70%.
  • You can complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions, [Assault] mode and Helicopter PVE battles.
  • Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → South African Armed Forces Day.
  • You can find the decal in the “Holidays” tab in the customization menu.

Nice ZA air Force decal! Always nice to see.


Tempting. And since I have the Rooivalk that’s an extra 50% off. But £25 is incredibly steep for a Rooikat.


Ehhhhhhhhhh I kinda want the Rooivalk


Yes, yes you do.

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Rooivalk’s an amazing helicopter. It’d be really nice if it got HMS slaving for the Mistral and IIR Mokopa.


The Rooikat series has a battleship like turning radius


You do get the extra 2,000 GE’s and 15 days prem time still (“only” 2k GE’s because you already have the heli). So, it is still a bit of a better deal than buying the Rooikat 50% off during the in game GE vehicle sales. I actually missed the Rooikat before it was removed from the store, and am pretty temped to get it and the Rooivalk since they are available right now as store packs. I really like getting the extra GE’s+Prem Time with pack sales.

$55 for 2 good premiums, 4,000 GE’s, 30 days prem time. 4,000 GE’s is worth ~$19.80, and 30 days premium time is worth between ~$6.66 and $3.33 (depending on if its on sale and/or how many days of prem time you get.)

So, the vehicles cost ~$31.87 and the GE’s+Prem Time cost ~$23.13. Really not bad imo. AND I try and force myself to save the GE’s for the next in game sale 😄

I noticed that the Rooivalk is 11.7 in GRB, do you have any Apache’s or other top BR helis that you have been able to compare the Rooivalk to? (Especially helis that you have used in GRB) Is the Rooivalk worth buying etc? I don’t typically do SIM or anything other than GRB with helis, but am curious if it is good for SIM anyway. Thanks!

Lmao, I just checked and sadly it did not get its turning radius improved yet. There have been a handful of other wheeled vehicles that DID get their turning radius’s decreased over the last months. And since the Rooikat has 2 sets of steering wheels up front perhaps it turns faster IRL than currently modeled and could be decreased as well. Especially if we can find some PUBLIC documents and/or videos etc that could prove a better turning radius. I have no info to add, but doing a test drive it feels to me like it might be turning wider than it should be, again especially with those 2 sets of steering wheels/axles.

I will sacrifice my remaining bank account (0.51$ and a pack of gum) for IIR/mmW Mokopa for Rooivalk


Yup, it looks like the wheels in game are not turning as much as the ones in the video there. The inside edge of the tire is way outside of the point/edge of the wheel-well in game compared to in the video. Harder to say about the 2nd set of steering wheels, but they look like they are probably turning more than in game as well.

Yeah and as far as the feel of the in game turn compared to that video, I think it could/should be reduced by at least 25% in game. MAYBE even up to 50%. But the turning radius feels and looks way too big compared to that video.

OH! There is an accepted bug report already guys!!! I clicked have same issue, if you guys wanna click as well and maybe we can get some more attention on it 👍



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Honestly I have no other helicopters other than the British tree but it’s really just very similar to the Apache. And it’s better than the AH-64A since it has better missiles. And it should be able to slave the Mistrals to the HMD. Also said Mistrals should have a proxy fuse. And have better pull but since Gaijin “Believes”…

It’s good. It’s much much better now with the new cockpit. But the lack of AAM indication really makes it hard to lob a missile at an aircraft. Literally my only complaint is the lack of HMS slaving.

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You mind sending me some of that? I eated all mine earlier.

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