A-6E TRAM CCRP in cockpit

Where is the CCRP symbology in cockpit for A-6E TRAM. It is missing after the update.
Is it a bug or was it removen on purpose?

Here’s the screenshot with weapon selector on:

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You have no weapon selected (according to the screenshots)?

Sight should automatically switch to bombing mode when you select bombs, and switch to CCRP mode when you have selected a target and switched to bombs.

Not sure it shows the CCRP symbology if no bombs are selected.

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I switched the sight mode manually, so the line should appear

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Just tested it myself: Indeed, the sight line is missing nomatter what you do!

Should be reported…

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Yes found it the moment you replied, haha! = )


Some friend told me there are other issues with CCRP in sim battles, he said:

with switch mission target when I set the target to any base it sets the drop location right behind the base. Because of this conflict it doesn’t drop bombs on the base at all

But I have to check this.

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I just hope it’s a bug and not a feature!

All too many aircraft with similar sights IRL lack their proper CCRP indication on the sight. I’ve reported it for the F-111, which was forwarded, reported it also for the F-4, which was declined as “not a bug”, even though I provided sources clearly explaining how it was indicated on the sight as well as 3 more cockpit instruments… = /


This depends a lot on the map. High elevations mess up the placement of the targeted spot, so in whole Afghanistan as well as northern part of Vietnam bombing bases with CCRP is not possible.

At least this was the case before, need to test if now all bases / maps are affected…

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Yes I know about these maps.
The problem is with bug reports. Before anyone notices them, some of the problems disappear on their own, and then they appear after some update or patch :(
In Poland we say it’s “fighting windmills” or “tilt at windmills” ;)

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As to the maps, tested it a bit in Afghanistan yesterday (great as now test flight can be selected there!):

of the 5 bases in the test flight map, I think two had their aiming point correct, and CCRP works well there. The others have the aiming point quite a bit off vertically, so CCRP doesn’t work.


What I found out is that if you have an aircraft eqquipped with a targeting pod (I tested wit the AMX A-1) or targeting equipment (A-6, F-117), you can adjust the aiming point manually and then the CCRP releases correctly!

So after the test flight I flew a Sim EC mission in the Harrier Gr.7, and now tried this, and it worked well - and is even more fun as it needs a bit more work.


Great. I tested it yesterday on Desert Map test flight and I had no issues with bases.

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Since the last Update i don t getting the bombing drop line in the A6e. When the pipper is running down and I press secondary weapon drop the txt message telling me that there s an error… (CCRP blocked by direction) Never had this message before… I also didn t get a fall line in my hud.

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im not too sure, but it might be like the F-111 where the ring around the reticle shows time from release and when it fully recedes you drop

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Yeah, but the problem is: You don’t know where your target is…

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ah, that is the other issue i was thinking it could be about. might be an oopsie on gaijins part not adding the line cause the F-111 is also missing it. funny enough afaik the Mirage 2000 is also missing CCRP rofl

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It’s not that they’re not addin it, the line was there, before the patch, so either it’s bugged now or they took it out, so far was not able to find out what is what happened…

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huh, i guess this is a thing to bug report since this is a slightly important feature especially in an attack aircraft lol

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Did you actually read the thread? ;-)

The link to the already created bug report is in one of the first few responses, and I’ve counted at least 3 individual reports on it already on the bug reporting site…

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i read the original post and like nothing else :sob: thought id try to give my thoughts on it lols

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