A-4b 8.7 -> 8.3

once again deflecting, this is a discussion on the skyhawks, not a different OP cas plane (which isn’t supersonic like the skyhawk)

Hopefully this gif can keep your concentration on the vehicle this thread is about as you cant keep a conversation on track like a brainrotted 5 year old

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Tbf the A-4B isn’t exactly supersonic-

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It can do it in good conditions while booming and zooming, especially if you’re smart and keep your takeoff assist rockets for speed boosts later on. near transonic would be a better description but I don’t imagine this guy would understand

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Honestly just ignore him, he’s only here to start fights and to troll.

Brother, it gets access to 4 bullpups and accelerates extremely well.
You don’t have to engage in dogfights if you don’t want to, unlike with the A-4B.
So you are free to kill 4 ground targets with nothing stopping you other than your aim and a good SPAA’s random chance.

I’d still keep it at 8.7 for ARB, don’t you worry.

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The Scimitar is one of the best planes at 8.7. It is definitely better than the F3H-2 at 9.0.

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The F3H-2 by no means belongs at 9.0 in ground, and same for the F4D-1. Gajin just hasn’t gotten around to giving them separate ground BRs.

Personally, the F-100D and AV-8C would be more fitting 9.0 CAS, although the idea that Gajin would give them or the F3H-2 actually fitting ground BRs is very wishful thinking.

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My only issue with it in ARB is the fact that it has crappy rudder control, which makes it somewhat difficult to aim the guns, especially when they force you to roll.
But the 4x Aim-9Bs, the great guns, and the great acceleration makes it pretty good at 8.7… not sure if it’s exactly OP or not… especially when you can just play the CL-13Mk.6 at 9.0, with a much better flight model (other than acceleration), and worse guns.

I’m not a very good player, but even I have a 60+% win rate on the Scimitar. No 7.7 plane has a chance against it. I think it should be a 9.0.

On topic. The A-4B can only be lowered to 8.3 by removing its AA missiles. Especially since the visual model matches an early aircraft that did not have AA missiles. The current A-4B could be replaced by the A-4C on 8.7 with AA missiles.

According to the A-4 wiki, the A-4B did infact get sidewinders. I’m fairly certain the only real difference between A-4B and A-4C is the A-4C gets CCRP and RWR.

Screenshot from 2025-02-03 02-49-07

Regardless of if the sidewinders would cause issues at 8.3 in air, there’s no reason for them to keep it at 8.7 in ground.

After the some upgrades, the A-4B could carry missiles. But it was visually different from the A-4B we have in the game.

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That’s very interesting. I’ll look into it some more.

I could think of the Meteor Mk.4 or La-200, but I agree that there’s nothing that they can really do.
However, I can also see many other vehicles around that BR range having the exact same issue.
What is a MiG-9(l) suppose to do against a MiG-15Bis?
What is a Spitfire Mk.24 suppose to do against an La-200?

What is an Ariete suppose to do against a Su-25 or A-10?

I think the answer to this is further decompression (which may not work)… or to think about it in a way that resembles reality.
These vehicles are less broken that you may think when you consider that there are other vehicles / players fighting it too.
This isn’t just an isolated 1v1 (at least most of the time).
The Spitfire can wait for the Mig-15Bis to lose speed while fighting other enemies, and then attempt to dogfight it.
The Ariete can wait for the A-10 / Su-25 waste all their missiles on other targets, and then swoop in to kill them, or kinematically evade the missiles, by sustaining high Gs at high speeds and high altitude, and at fairly far ranges for Aim-9Ls, and simply outrunning R-60Ms.

Of course, this isn’t perfect, but it isn’t as unfair as it seems to be.
I’d still say that no spitfire should be facing MiG-15s, but you should be incentivized to deal with the higher BR planes first (if possible), so that you have more breathing room to deal with vehicles at your BR or lower.

As for the Scimitar, if it were 9.0, it would be facing MiG-19s a lot more often, which is generally superior to it in most ways.
I wouldn’t say it would be unreasonable, but I don’t think it’s necessary, especially when you can abuse its poor rudder control.
I remember facing it, with my MiG-15Bis Ish, at the same time as having to deal with an Me 163.
I abused its poor rudder control to have it miss (albeit it was partially because of his poor aim), and the Me 163 still couldn’t catch up to me while I scissor fought the Scimitar until he made a mistake.

I’ll answer this. You come in from a high angle and swoop down to kill them. I got a 6 kill game with 5 of them subsonic all-aspect slingers. You can also, with practice, frontally evade the R-60M and 9L, but a sub 3km rear aspect 9L is a death sentence most of the time.

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I’ve sorta explained that.

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