XCB-01 - BMP-1 Vietnamese's brother.

Would you like to see this in-game?
  • Yes, as a tech tree vehicle.
  • Yes, as an event vehicle.
  • Yes, as a squadron vehicle.
  • No
0 voters
Where should this be in?
  • China.
  • Soviet.
  • Japan (ASEAN Subtree).
  • I said no.
0 voters


Updated: 22/12/2024.

The XCB-01 is an indigenously made IFV based on the BMP-1, incorporating many improvements and fixes to address shortcomings identified by the VPA over years of operating the BMP-1 and BMP-2. The XCB-01 features a slightly larger hull with significant internal changes and some modifications inspired by the BMP-3. Its new turret is of a more angular design for ease of production and potentially allowing for the future installation of ERA.



Xe Chiến đấu Bộ binh-01 (XCB-01), abbreviated as Infantry Fighting Vehicle-01, was first officially introduced during the 30th ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet (AARM-30) and the 2022 Vietnam Defense Expo, though the earliest leaks dated back to early 2022. On December 23, 2023, it appeared at TB-1 Firing Range for a live-fire exercise by the 12th Corps, codenamed ĐT-23.


This project aims to develop a cost-effective, domestically-produced IFV inspired by the BMP-1 and BMP-2, both which are currently in service with the Vietnamese People’s Army (VPA). The vehicle exterior are similar to the BMP-1 while incorporating a taller and lengthened hull to provide more internal space and crew comfort. The turret, a hexagonal welded design, helps ease production and possible future integration of ERA.

The main armament is the same as the standard BMP-1, including a 73mm P-73-01 cannon (domestically-produced 2A28 Grom). The vehicle is equipped with an improved 1PN22VN1 gun sight that incorporates a laser rangefinder, CCD camera, and thermal imaging (possibly gen 3?). A semi-automatic loader that holds 40 rounds, with a fire rate of 6-8 rounds per minute. Additionally, the vehicle also has a 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun, and a 12.7mm NSVT mounted on the turret roof. There is also an option to have the NSVT be mounted on an RCWS.

The XCB can use either the AT-3 (B-72) or the upgraded CTVN-18. The CTVN-18, a domestically-licensed production of the Serbian 9M14-2T, is similar to the HJ-73E ATGM used on the ZBD86. It is equipped with a tandem warhead capable of penetrating 750-800mm of armor and is guided by SACLOS.

The XCB-01 is planned with two engine options: the UTD-20S1 (turbocharged UTD-20) and the DOOSAN DL-08. While the DOOSAN DL-08 has higher torque and slightly better acceleration, it has a lower top speed of 54.5 km/h. Additionally, it is slightly heavier and is only considered a backup option.

The UTD-20S1, turbocharged to 338hp, will be used as the main engine in the production variants, likely due to the VPA’s existing supply. Despite its increased weight compared to the BMP-1, the XCB-01 maintains identical mobility: a road speed of 67.3 km/h with full combat weight, an off-road speed of 40-45 km/h, a forward swimming speed of 7 km/h, and a reverse swimming speed of 2 km/h.

The XCB-10 incorporates a Laser Warning Receiver and NBC protection. Its armor configuration is comparable to or slightly better than that of the BMP-1. Frontal armor provides protection against 12.7mm API rounds at 100 meters (STANAG 4), while side and rear armor are up to STANAG 3 standards. Optional ceramic composite plates manufactured by Factory Z113 can be installed to improve protection, enabling the vehicle to withstand 12.7mm rounds all around at 50 meters. Research is currently underway to implement ERA similar to the 4S24 on the BMP-3. The vehicle also features side skirts similar to those found on the BMP-2D.


The XCB-10 also features a double bottom similar to the BMP-3, but extended all the way to the infantry compartment for better mine protection. Spall liners are also installed, though their exact placement is unknown.

The electronics have been upgraded, including new servos for the turret and drives for the main gun and NSVT. Additionally, a new FCS with a ballistic calculator, a new AC unit, and automatic fire extinguishers have been installed. The upgrades also include a new VRU12/S 50W radio and a VIS satellite phone. Currently, two prototypes have been built, with 18 more in production, expected to be completed by the end of 2024 by Z189 Shipyard.


XCB-01 Mod.2024: This is the production version of the XCB-01 with major changes, including a new thermal sight for the commander, repositioning the smoke launcher to fit more LWS sensors on the front turret, a new mount for the NSVT for better clearance of the missile reloading hatch and many other exterior changes.




Length: 6.95 m
Height: 3.26m (2.14 m without NSVT)
Width: 3.25 m
Weight: 14.85 tons
Ground Clearance: 370 mm
Crew: 3 (Gunner, Commander, Driver) + 8 troops
Engine: DOOSAN DL-08, 321 hp (250 kW) or turbocharged UTD-20S1, 338 hp (252 kW)
Top speed: ~54.5 km/h (DL-08), 65 km/h (UTD-20S1)
Swimming speed: 7 km/h



1x 73 mm 2A28 “Grom” (shells: ĐCT-9T, PG-15VNT, PG-15V, PG-15VS, PG-15N, OG-15VM, OG-15V) (semi-autoloader with 40 rounds) (6-8 rounds per minute)
1x 7.62 mm PKT Coaxial Machine Gun (2000 rounds)
1x 12.7mm NSVT Machine Gun (200 rounds)
1x rail launcher for the CTVN-18/AT-3 (license built of Serbia 9M14-2T) (up to 4)
8x 81mm smoke launcher

In game
This would be a good 8.3-8.7 light tank due to its having a LRF, LWS, and likely Gen 3 thermal imaging. It also has a tandem 800mm penetration SACLOS ATGM and improved HEATFS rounds, but lacks gun stabilization. It would fit well in the Soviet tech tree (foldered with the BMP-2) or the China tech tree (foldered with the ZTS63 and ZBD86). Considering Thailand’s newest addition to the Japanese tech tree (F-5E FCU), it could also fit within a Japanese-ASEAN subtree.

The mod.2024 could be a modification similar to the BMP-1P mod on the BMP-1 with the turbocharged UTD-20 engine and add-on ceramic composite armor or ERA with access to the ĐCT-9T with 420mm pen.


Comparing dimensions between BMP-1 and XCB-01.
Credit: Viet+ Offensive



DOOSAN DL-8 in BMP-1, mounting should also be similar in the XCB-01.

Note the NSVT blocking the ATGM loading hatch, which mean the NSVT would not be useable when loading ATGM.

LWS below the smoke launcher on the new turret design


Infographics on the XCB-01 at the Vietnam Defense Expo 2024

Video of XCB-01 swimming

Sorry for the watermark and random text, it is kinda difficult to find pics without one.

Info on the DOOSAN DL-08 engine
Lee Ann Quann Twitter
1PN22VN1 gunsight
Ammunition type
XCB-01 at Vietnam Defence Expo 2024
Short review of the XCB-01 at the 2024 Defense Expo that have some internal shot
Note: most sources are in Vietnamese.


Very cool! +1

Very nice, I love how the 73mm performs ingame so it would be nice to see more vehicles with it.

+1, however I don’t think it belongs to Japan


yes, it doesn’t really fit the tree doctrine or vehicle design but considering that Vietnam-Japan relationship are great and the fact that Gaijin are willing to add Thais vehicle in JP tt i don’t see why not. Also JP probly need it more than China and Soviet seeing that it would just be another BMP to them.

It be more of a event vehicle to China or USSR, it wouldn’t matter if they needed it or not, it simply doesn’t fit in Japan, that’s all.


well Thailand either uses Japanese equipment from WW2, or mostly western equipment in the Cold War, so it makes sense for Thailand to be a subtree of Japan more so than for Vietnam

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By that logic, the Viet Minh also used captured Japanese equipment during the First Indochina War. Currently, Japan is also one of Vietnam’s most important economic and strategic partners.
https://mod.gov.vn/en/event/detail?current=true&urile=wcm:path:/mod/sa-mod-en/sa-en-news/sa-en-news-rela/4c5ffc9d-b93e-4d1d-bce5-6d38814bc79b (Vietnamese MoD website)

Man, I understand your logic, but HELL NO! XCB-01 is not suitable for Japanese tree play style. I rather put IN ASEAN tree or even USSR/China tree. Japan tree is only for Thailand and S.Korean vehicles. From a Vietnamese perspective. And this vehicle just the first stage prototype, its data has not been public yet. And the info you give just a guess.


Honestly i don’t expect gaijin to added it to the JP tt either, but that will probly be answered when they added the T-54M3, heck they could even make an ASEAN tt. Regarding this being a prototype, yes ik and i will try to keep this page updated as more information got out.

Phong Kong T-34 already in China, so Vietnamese vehicles probs go to china.


There is also one in the Soviet tt btw

Soviets already have a lot of vehicles. Also the one in Sov tree is premium

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+1 But i don’t think this is a vehicles for Russian or China.

  • China has a lot more interesting stuff then this and the relationship between them is not “warm” like Cambodia/Thailand so might trigger parts of player base.

  • Russia in other hand, too many vehicles.

  • For Japan, sure, it’s can be an option since Gaijin said more SA vehicles will came to Japan.

  • Another option is Israel as a niche option.

Either for Japan or USSR

Historically Vietnam and China has never really like each other so adding a Vietnamese tank there isn’t really good, the Phòng Không T-34 is an exception i guess since it used NORINCO type 65 and a Soviet T-34 chassis hench why they added it to both of the tech tree.
Yes ik that Soviets alr have a bunch of vehicles, that why i also added an option for an ASEAN subtree in JP

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Well its just me who wants to play this vehicle. I play Chinese tree but not japanese, so I wont be abot to play it if it is in JP tree

Theres already a Vietnamese vehicle in China, it should go there.

That vehicle is also made out of Chinese produced weapons and chassis.

Vietnam sub tree samsung hyundai kia perfect