TYPE: Multi purpose mortar carrier
1x L16A2 muzzle-loading 81mm mortar launcher
-VingPos mortar system
-Intregated and automatic
-Rounds per minute: 10-12 rpm
-HE grenade ranges: Ca.4.8 Kilometer
-SMOKE grenade ranges: Ca. 5.7 Kilometer
-Barrel lenght: 1 280 millimetres
-Ammunition capasity: 50 Rounds -
1x 12.7x99mm Kongsberg RS4 Remote Controlled Weaponstation
-Machinegun: M2 Browning
-Ammunition mixture 50/50: NM140MP + NM160MP-T
-Armor penetration RHAe NM160MP-T: 22 Millimeter at 100 Meter
-Armor penetration RHAe NM140MP: 10.6 Millimeter at 100 Meter -
4x 76mm Smoke grenades
-“Intregated” with the Konsberg RWS station, as seen in the picture -
Integrated Battlefield Management System
-HE: High Explosive
-Explosive filling: 700 Grams
-Explosive type: TNT
-Shell body: Cast iron
-Flying mass: 4.1 kg
-Number of charges: 0+6
-Muzzle velocity: 76–310 m/s
-Minimum/maximum range: 150 m/5,800 Meter
-Maximum gas pressure: ≤ 96 MPa (ESCP, STANAG 4110)
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C
-Norwegian definition: Sprenggranat
-IR-SMK: Infared Smoke
-Payload: Red phosphorus
-Flying mass: 4.0 kg
-Number of charges: 0+6
-Muzzle velocity: 75–316 m/s
-Maximum range: 5 400 Meter
-Maximum gas pressure: 96 MPa
-Obscuration time Minimum: 60 s
-Service temperature: -46° to +63°C
-Norwegian definition: Forsforgranat
-Flying mass: 4.0 kg
-Number of charges: 0+6
-Muzzle velocity: 75–316 m/s
-Maximum range: 5 400 Meter
-Maximum gas pressure: 96 MPa
-Luminosity: 1 300 000 Cd
-Illuminating duration Minimum: 50 s
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C
-Norwegian definition: Lysgranat
AMMUNITION 12.7x99mm
NM140 12.7x99 MP
-MP: Multi Purpose
-NM140: Norwegian Model 140
-Projectile weight Approx: 43 g
-Muzzle velocity Approx: 903 m/s
-Dispersion requirement: SD ≤ 150 mm (Grade A)/SD ≤ 200 mm (Grade B)
-Penetration requirement: 22 mm RHA @ 0° @ 200m
-Service temperature: -54°C to +71°C
-Safety temperature: -54°C to +71°C
NM160 12.7x99 MP-T
-MP-T: Multi Purpose Tracer
-NM160: Norwegian Model 160
-Projectile weight Approx: 44 g
-Muzzle velocity Approx: 903 m/s
-Dispersion requirement: SD ≤ 200 mm (Grade A)/SD ≤ 300 mm(Grade B)
-Penetration requirement: 22 mm RHA @ 0° @ 200 m
-Tracer Visible: 50-200, ≥ 1 500 m
-Service temperature: -54°C to +71°C
-Safety temperature: -54°C to +71°C
-Mass: 27,7 tonnes
-Length: 6.55 m
-Width: 3.1 m
-Height: 2.7 m
-Transmission: Automatic
-Suspension: torsion bar
-Rubber Tracks
1x Scania V8 Diesel
-Power: 810 hp 2300 Nm
-Power/weight: 24.1 hp/tonne
-Operational range: 320 km
-Maximum speed: 70 km/h
1x Driver
1x Wagon commander
1x RWS gunner operator
1x Mortar gunner operator
8x troopers (optional)
-The diesel engine is also upgraded so that the power/weight ratio is still 17 kW/h
-Norway was also the first nation to use rubber belts in this weight class
-At the top is the Kongsberg Protector RWS RS4 developed by Kongberd defence & aerospace which is equipped with an12.7x99mm M2 Browning machine gun
In the 1980s, Hägglund and Bofors developed a new armored personnel carrier for the Swedish defense as a replacement for a number of other types then in use.
This vehicle was designated CV9040 and is currently in active use in the Swedish Armed Forces (2005). when the Norwegian Armed Forces were to acquire new armored personnel carriers in the late 1980s, the CV9040 was one of the competitors.
After a number of modifications to meet the Norwegian requirements, the CV9030 emerged, and this vehicle was chosen by the Norwegian armed forces
This wagon was chosen as the new assault wagon for the cavalry in 1993. the wagon was to partially replace NM 135 wagons in the cavalry’s assault formations, but mostly they were added to the existing ones for a long time. The first wagon came to Norway in 1993 and in 1996-97 we received 3 more, the remaining 100 wagons were delivered in 1998
Norway was the very first export customer of the Mk,1 variant, followed 4 years later by Finland and switserland who purchased the Mk. 2.
Norway is the first nation to use rubber tracks on the Mk. III. rubber tracks gives better mobility, less vibrations and noise, making the environment better for the crew and increases acceleration as well as reduce the fuel usage.
144 wagons were ordered in June 2012 and they were delivered from September 2015.
These wagons are referred to as CV90 Mkiiib. These have the third generation of electronic architecture, which then allows sharing of sensor data. This also provides support for integrated drones. The unmanned weapon station Protector RWS on top is the most visible change on the new and old upgraded Stormpanservogner
In addition to the CV9030N Mk.3 and many others, there were ordered approx. 16 wagons of the CV90 multipurpose wagon, which then received an integrated mortar system and a Kongsberg protector RWS 12.7mm in addition. The first came in 2017 and the rest have been delivered in the coming years, and all should have been delivered up to now. These serve under the Telemark battalion and the Armored battalion.
So far there are no mortar carriers in game, but hopefully one day we would get them. It will probably be difficult to achieve something with the aim and that, but it is quite possible I think, especially easy it would be on such modern mortars as this one on the cv90 wagon. In the game it could be a cheap wagon to spawn in, with 50 rounds per minute and an ammunition capacity of 50x 81 millimeter grenades, it should be a fun wagon to use.
An 81mm grenade like this won’t be able to do much damage, but might knock out some spaa or lightly armored ivf’s. It has acess to smoke grenades, wich would be very handy, as you can communicate with your teammates or your squadron, about where they want smoke and much else. It can also be fun in night battles, as we have access to light grenades, which last about 50 seconds, and probably light up quite a bit, to help the team.
One could for example take good cover behind rocks or other terrain, and shoot from there, would be hard for the enemy to find and kill but I think there is good judgment from the use of the 81mm grenades
Close up video (might require subscription ot the magazine)
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Tankograd Publishing
CV9030N – Wikipedia
The book given out by the Norwegian Defence Museum
“Motoriserte militærkjøretøy I norge 1905-2005”
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