M1992 APC

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M1992 APC

Unknown official name

Brief History
North Korea has a surprisingly long history of tank and AFV production, with some of their most recent developments being very interesting. During the Korean War, and for a couple decades after, North Korea relied on Soviet hand-me-downs, namely T-34s and their derivatives, T-55s, etc. In the 70s, the DPRK started development of their first MBTs based on their copy of the T-62 (Ch’ŏnma), which have continually been upgraded to this day. They haven’t just built MBTs, however. They have a number of other AFVs, such as SPGs and tank destroyers (conventional and ATGMs). They also have more support-oriented vehicles, including a number of indigenous APCs. Their first truly indigenous one is this, the M1992. It was first seen in 1992 (hence the name), but was likely developed before. The vehicle has some similarities to the Soviet BRDM-1, but appears to be otherwise be a unique design.

The M1992 has 3 known configurations, but the focus of this suggestion is the main APC variant, fitted with a Soviet SACLOS 9M111-2 ‘Fagot’ ATGM on the rear of the vehicle as its primary armament. This is manufactured in North Korea under the name Bulsae-2. The missile is, surprisingly, not yet in game. It is an upgrade of the regular 9M111, boasting greater penetration (460mm). The variant is proven by a North Korean export brochure for the missile, under the name AT4-MLB (presumably because the NATO name for the 9M111 is AT-4).

As secondary weapons, the vehicle also mounts a Soviet 30mm AGS-17 grenade launcher at the front, providing some more firepower.

The vehicle itself is a 4x4 design and visually similar to the BRDM-1, as mentioned earlier. The vehicle has potentially amphibious capabilities, judging by the shape. If so, it would be propelled by wheels only, leaving it slower than amphibious vehicles with water jets. The vehicle has a frontally mounted engine, although details of it are non existent. One source indicates it might be a diesel engine, but details are, again, not available.

Armour is likely non-existent, providing protection from only small-arms fire, likely 10mm or below. The vehicle has 2 main crew (commander and driver), and can carry 6 troops in the rear compartment.

The M1992 would be a fun mid-tier ATGM carrier (and one of the very few ATGM carriers North Korea has made) in a North Korean sub-tree. It has relatively powerful ATGMs, mouse-guided, a supplementary 30mm grenade launcher, and good mobility, that will allow it to get to positions relatively quickly. I think a BR of around 7.0-7.3 would be good.



  • 9M111-2 ATGM
    • 460mm penetration
    • 180m/s
    • SACLOS guidance
  • AGS-17 30mm grenade launcher


  • Hull
    • Front
      • Unknown, thin
    • Sides
      • Unknown, thin
    • Rear
      • Unknown, thin


  • Speed
    • Unknown, possibly ~90km/h
  • Weight
    • Unknown, possibly ~6t
  • Engine power
    • Unknown, possibly diesel engine. Likely >100hp






M1992 Armored Personnel Carrier | MilitaryToday.com
BRDM-1 - Wikipedia
M1992 - 나무위키

AT4-MLB Export Brochure



I like this a lot, and would really like to play it! +1

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