6.3 Japan GRB, Poor Lineup or Skill Issue?

Heatfs really isn’t that good anymore unfortunately.

I think it was nerfed last patch, had a really bad time with the Type 61 and friends yesterday. Almost seemed like some of my shells were proxy fusing off enemy tanks and consequently doing next to no damage.

My battles today didn’t actually go badly. One thing stood out … If you have Russia and Germany in your team, say goodbye to victory.

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I haven’t played since update, but HEAT on STA-3 still works for me, I think.

When I ground through that line, I bypassed the HE lobber (until Type 99), and I stayed tanking.

STA-1 and STA-2 are mainstays, amazing optics for long distance identification, but the shell drop screws with you because you’re not used to it.

It’s a good line-up though. Bulldog can also confuse others because they’ll expect it to be US, and if you’re paired against them, folks drive right by you.

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6.3 is great for japan IMO. Its probably the role you are trying to push the tanks into

Japans tech tree as a whole is very focused on long range sniping, fighting in hills and ridges, and basically 2nd line support, rather than pushing in and being agressive.

I preferred the HEATFS on the STA-1/2, but if you are struggling with it, I suggest trying the M82 APCBC round. You dont have the raw pen, but its the same round as on the American 90mms such as the Pershing, M36, T26E5 etc and has plenty of 1 shot potential. Though I personally preferred being able to centre mass basically any tank I fight, even if the post pen is a bit low on the HEAT. The Type 61/STA-3 has even lower post pen on its HEAT by the way, and the M47 after them uses the same round so id get used to it now.

My recommendation is to try and play a bit further back if you arent. Try using ridgelines for hull down and peekaboo tactics. Heavy city maps suck and always have, so you sorta have to just try and make it work. Note that most of these tactics also apply as you get further down the tree, the Type 74s also play in a very similar way.

I also suggest throwing a plane in your lineup, the SUB-I-II is pretty decent, but japan is seriously lacking in SPAAs so as you climb up the tree you’ll find your only option for anti CAS is literally a fighter. Others have said the A7M2 which is definitely good, but honestly you can even throw an A6M5 in there if you want, or even stretch to an A6M3, because of how GRB forces everyone into the Zeros literal strongest position so I was finding the A6M5 extremely competitive as a fighter in that mode all the way up until jets.


I used the event A6M6c which is very good, and used it to unlock the A7M2 for the 6.3 lineup.

For 7.3 I use the Kikka, now that it’s bugged flight model has been sorted. It’s got good speed, access to a good bomb(s), decent guns (when you unlock the second) and with a proper AP shell and not that practice thing, but it’s not as good as the SU or some of the other early war jets, but I just tend to not slow down and run from all the super props.


See, the awkward thing that hinders this is that by the time WT’s combined arms mechanic clicked in my head, most of my fighters are Expert+ all on a crew slot that I use for my light and medium tanks, something I’d rather not go into a battle without unless I deliberately want to go into the battle as CAP. (I’ve since fixed this for my Britain and Italy grind)

Yep, I’ve noticed this and the shell drop caused me to miss a few perfectly good shots so that’s certainly something I have to get used to.

Haven’t happened to me yet! But I can see that happening for sure.

Yep, I’ve been avoiding aggressive pushes for Japan for a while now and instead opted for an attempt for a flank since the rounds tend to struggle against the front of heavies of this BR bracket. I’ve since added M82 rounds to my roster as people here have previously suggested and I’ve been a bit of luck with that! Otherwise I save HEATFS as the HE replacement (or a clutch round). And ST-A3 got even worst post pen HEAT? That’s not ideal, but I have managed with Britian’s solid/sabot shot shenanigans so I guess I can manage, I just hope that it works in the first place instead of nonpenning randomly.


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Right up until you get 4 second reload on Type 90. Then go ham and flank.

A6M6 Hei is the worst Zero. By far.

Not up to debate either.

In air realistic definitely agree A6M6c is lackluster “Heavy and Slow” but I must say I have been enjoying it for cas and ground pounding roles in GRB but my go to planes usually for GRB are

Ki-61 Otsu
A6M5 Hei


Where the fuck is your Ki-44-II and your Ki-100? Can’t play japan without using those two.

Ki44 isn’t bad just not my style surprised you didn’t mention the Ki-43 don’t like its rudder also its weird how it flies once the fuel is lower and the Ki-100 is just sad now its sluggish, g-locks and it overheats quickly back in the day it was dare I say it OP for its rank in that hands of a skilled pilot there wasn’t anything that could match it I used to climb to 3500 to 7k fight P47 thunderbolts before they up-tiered them and you could climb dive and out turn everybody that you faced with ease

Only the Ki-43-1 is good, the others fly weirdly. Ki-44-II is very good at low altitude and even against 6.0 aircraft it works fine. Ki-100 is a fantastic dogfighter, with MEC and 30% radiators you can keep WEP on all game long, and it has a LOT of ammo to go around.