4080 super crash game

hi i have 4080 super and during game i have a freeze and reduced textures to medium for insufficient vram , it s strange , becouse 4080 s has 16 gb , and i play with RT ultra , somebody help me , this happen with DLSS with upscaling quality

I’ve been having a similar issue when alt-tabbing, did you recently update windows?

I did and since then I’ve been having these random freezes that reset the textures to low-mid. I fixed it by going back to the latest update, no issues since then.

It was reported as a bug 3 months ago (or maybe even more)


It hasn’t been resolved and its annoying as hell, especially when crew lock is still a thing.

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don’t work

it s ridiculous this game eat all vram also a 4080 super , think is a only bug