32:9 hud

Who do we need to pay to get this blessed 32:9 HUD?

Anyone who buys a 32:9 monitor is basically screwed, with the HUD in the center of the screen ruining the entire gaming experience.

Any devs reading?

Thank you very much :)

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Oh I’m pretty sure Gaijin’s Dagnor can’t handle 32:9.

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I use a 34" ultrawide monitor, I think the aspect ratio is 21:9. I also use the “Windowed” option and “Auto” for resolution selection. All of my HUD is moved in a good deal using the Windowed option and I can only get everything pushed out to where it belongs using one of the Fullscreen options. I however use at least 2 and sometimes 3 monitors and the Fullscreen options make it difficult to move from one screen to another with the mouse, so . . . . I settle for the Windowed version’s poor placement as a lesser of two evils for me . . . . just how it is I guess.

I’m still hoping for the day when we can move the HUD modules around and place them where we actually want them to be and save/lock that as a HUGE QoL change for the players . . getting everything just the way you like it instead of suffering with things in your way . . . what a blessing that would be . . .


I’m on 5120 x 1440… and this is the hud :(

Any solution for this? Please Gaijin :)


I have a Samsung G9 and i have this exact problem, game looks amazing on an Ultra Wide screen 5120 x 1440 @ 32:9 but a pain for the UI, and i’m not putting it into window mode, i’m more likely going to change my monitor.

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Yeah, my monitor is 3440 x 1440 and that is what I get in Windowed mode. But in either of the two Fullscreen options the HUD has everything pushed out to the sides like it is designed to do I guess.

change monitor is crazy bro… this is amazing one! I have the same, worth every penny

in 3440 x 1440 still good, the problem is on higher res

Even though games are beautiful on this monitor, i believe we get gimped by the vertical resolution, ultrawide is great for checking corners and getting a wider FOV.

But have you ever wondered when bombing in a strike aircraft, that you have to angle the camera to the 3rd person bomb site, or your forced to use CCRP/CCIP when in this more to get an accurate hit.

Game is amazing on max graphics (all sliders to max) so it reverts to custom and SSAO to x4, i get around 90 - 120 fps on 5120 x 1440, but DAMN its beautiful.

DLSS is not great, so i don’t use it id rather go for the extra x4, GPU cooler runs at 72degrees on max load running at 99%

Now RTX support and Ray Tracing will take this to the next level!

Thinking about upgrading to the Samsung ARK, Corsair Flex or one of the Asus ROG OLED, as I’ve already had to replace the screen on my Samsung G9, I’m a little worried about the ARK

I want 8k really, might hold out until they are more streamlined

out of curiosity, what GPU do you use? just trying to figure out if a switch to an ultrawide would be something for me

i have a Gigabyte AORUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 XTREME WATERFORCE 24GB GDDR6X Ray-Tracing Graphics Card,16384 Core,2565MHz DLSS 3

this one in particular


Around £2200 when i got it, i can overclock if i wish, but i haven’t needed too

No actually, I have the same issue, everything is pushed in instead of being out to the edge and out of the way. I can just avoid it using one of the Fullscreen options, but I much prefer windowed which is where I have the same problem. Hence why I have dreamt of a HUD with moveable modules, that could possibly even be “resized” as well, and a save & lock feature to go with . . . would need to be separate, for planes, tanks & naval tho I guess . . . but man that would be a superior QoL change for all the players . . and those that are not interested can just keep the “default” application . . . win - win . .


Movable HUD would be awesome :(

Or at least, give us a 32:9 good position, PLEASE GAIJIN !


Samsung G9 here, personally I prefer the centered HUD so I don’t have to crank my head every time I want to see something


This is also true, but maybe give an option to have it more sides at least? ;)

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I will never say no to more customization options

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I’m not at home and can’t try it.

Do they fix HUD position for Samsung G9?

No it’s still located where it would be on a normal 16:9 screen, same on dev server.

Personally I prefer this HUD layout but I can understand why some wouldn’t.

I haven’t noticed any improvement. They should at least provide the option to have it in full-screen mode , meaning that radar and rwr should be in on the corner of the screen, like normal 16:9.

As it stands, I’m constantly dealing with the radar and RWR obstructing my view, which is very annoying—especially in cockpit view and simulation mode