2S6 Tunguska needs to be moved up

Genuinely don’t understand how Tunguska has been at 10.7 for more than a year at this point, it was fine there when the missiles it uses were nerfed to the point, where they were pretty much useless, but since then the missiles have been changed to being good, like very good, there’s literally nothing lacking about it. Heck I would even go as far as to say that it’s better at the SPAA role than the ADATS.
I think a more fitting BR for it would be 11.3 or 11.7


Cause it’s a Roland-type missile with a few extra km…
It’s out-ranged by CAS at the same BR: AMX, Q-5L, A-6E, Jaguar.
ADATS fires a superior missile and itself should probably be 11.0 - 11.3.


It has 4 x 30mm cannons, which gives it a great advantage over every other SPAA in its BR range, it should be moved up for that reason.


Didn’t know 30mm cannons were capable of firing on 12km targets… oh wait.




It gets dunked on by CAS, it’s only good vs someone that doesn’t notice the almost continuous lock as you try guide a missile out.


You tell me how having 8x of these ready to fire at all times + 4x 30mm guns

9m something something

warrants only a 0.3 BR higher than having 2x of these, requiring reloads, and having no guns

Roland 3

when the Roland 3 has almost half the speed, 2 km shorter range, and 12 less G


All SPAA are weak vs. CAS
Even the Pantsir which is much better than the next best SPAA behind it is weak vs CAS.

When considering changing its BR I think the first question should be is it more capable than SPAAs of the same BR?
If yes, then either the other SPAAs need to move down or this one needs to go up.

To just say it’s not that good vs. CAS and consider the issue answered is a bit simplistic.


Exactly, and in the case of the 2S6 it is vastly superior to the Roland armed SPAA at 10.3, I showed this in my previous comment

So much so that only a 0.3 BR gap is totally unjustified


You can do a barrel roll and dodge it’s missiles. It’s still mostly trash. Maybe its good for shooting down ordinance but for the most case just that. It even struggles with helicopters from what I remember, unless that was before the change.

It isn’t vastly superior. It’s barely superior, and you showed it’s only barely superior in your previous comment.
“It has BR 8.3 SPAA capabilities with its guns!” Cool, I’m sitting 12km away from it.

I suggested it in the recent BR changes but unsurprisingly got ignored.

It has 2, not 4.

It would be amazing if other nations designed an all-in-one platform instead of segregated missile carriers and SPAAGs, dontcha think?

There’s a reason why NO OTHER COUNTRY has a similar platform…
Serbia has a testbed with similar capability… Built on a T-72 chassis.

Apart from that, it’s only a mix of guns and short-range IR missiles… No SACLOS missiles or anything similar.
Make better vehicles ig.

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no its 4, just like the Pantsir


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technically its 2x double 30mms

Why wouldn’t they be ready to fire at all times? xD

2, not 4.
If you want it can receive 3UBR8…

Exactly… One faces 9.3s at a minimum, the other faces 9.7s at a minimum. That’s the difference between a MiG-19S (laughably horrible secondary armament, no missiles, no flares) facing a Roland at best and an Ayit facing the 2K22 with AGM-65As, AGM-62As, and AGM-12s.

If you took even 15 seconds to look at ANY of the trees (which you would need to with how few vehicles you’ve played), you’d see the clear disparity between 9.3 and 9.7.

9.3 is the Q-5A, carrying a meager 2 dozen rockets at best with a complimentary of… 250kg dumb bombs.
9.7 is the Q-5L, carrying 2 GBUs with a tgp alongside chinese zunis.

9.3 is the A-4E Early carrying AGM-12B/Cs and AGM-62As, facing an absolute maximum of Roland 3s.
9.7 is the A-4N carrying AGM-65As, AGM-62As, and AGM-12s alongside a better engine and better cannons.

Why should these 9.7s no longer have a challenge in an uptier? Can you explain to me how it would be fair to leave 9.7s without a hard counter in an uptier… Only fending off against vehicles like Rolands, Stormers, or even something as bad as the Antelope?
In what way is an A-4N fair against the Antelope?

Better yet… What should we do about the 2K22 now facing F-16A-10s, F-14Bs, A-10Cs, or even AV-8B+s?
It has absolutely NO chance against any of these, even struggling against something as simple as an A-10A Late. The Mirage 2000D is already near unkillable to a Tonguska, and that’s 11.3… Not 12.0.

But hey, what would you know about it?
You don’t even own the Tunguska.


It has 2 cannons. That’s it. Both barrels are integrated into 1 firing mechanism.

2 cannons.

The Pantsir also has 2 cannons.

Should we now say that the VADS has 6 cannons? Should the LAV-AD be balanced off its UNEBELIEVABLE 5 cannons??

I love the swathes of people who insist on responding when they don’t have a SINGLE match in the vehicle they’re arguing over…

somebody got out the the bed with the wrong foot, eh?

Also i did correct myself, if you missed that.


Chronic paresthesia tends to have that effect.

I go message-by-message when I respond to people, only saw that after I had typed a majority of my message.

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Any idea why the barrel 1 and 4 has different muzzle brakes?