
It’s a freaking game. Go yap somewhere else.

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The 2S38 already raised in BR, I got exactly what I wanted.
It’s no longer 9.7 and 10.0, it’s 10.3 which is a balanced BR for its capabilities.

Also it’s funny how you claim that defending the 2S38, which is what your posts do, means you get paid by Gaijin.
Glad I’ve only critiqued the 2S38 never defending it after I got what I wanted.

I love how your post is begging to buff the 2S38 too.

SPAA status would reduce its spawn points requirement and separate the spawn points from light, medium, and heavy tanks spawns. Everyone knows this.
Everyone also knows that SPAA status doesn’t remove scouting ability: Wiesel 1A4 as one of many examples.

Keep defending the 2S38, and keep begging for it to be buffed.

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Wait, are you complaining that you can’t destroy vehicles head-on? Do you realise that what you wrote just confirmed that you have skill probrems?
This game is not about clicking W and always going ahead and destroying everything in front of you, if you think you’re playing this game as a “point and click” then you’re wrong… there is a strategy that we Italian players often use because most of our vehicles can’t face vehicles from the front as they have much more armour than Italian vehicles and this strategy is flanking.

Also you can aim at the cannon or you have tracks if you can’t totally bypass it to take it by surprise, so you can disable it and eventually destroy it quietly…

I still remember a video on reddit where a player using 2s38 had disabled the enemy Abrams tank’s cannon and in order to destroy it he just stood there continuously firing at the cheek of the Abrams turret the thickest point of its armour, and complained that he couldn’t kill it LMAO… He literally could have hit him in all the other positions but he just kept shooting there…I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is, yes? Insanity is… doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that something will change.

And with that I totally leave the post I don’t want to argue with people who make up all kinds of excuses to be right.

Did you know that War Thunder has some maps where you can’t flank? Also, you can’t really camp on them because of the poor gun depression.

I’m not the one who can’t kill a light tank and then cries all over the forum to get its BR changed.

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And there you go to declaring the false, typical of Russian fans, also this behaviour I’ve seen on this forum before, that’s why I didn’t want to continue the conversation otherwise they will drag you down to their level and shut down the post.

Dude, I never said you can’t damage him and penetrate his armour, but I did point out to you that he has too many abilities (Thermal, recon, survival, speed, rapid fire power, etc…) to be at such a low BR, he should be at minimum BR 11.0

I’ll point out that this is your thinking you literally wrote here: as long as you can penetrate his armour of a light vehicle and damage him then it’s fine to keep him at low BR… Then why don’t you explain to everyone why R3 t20 which is literally being destroyed by 50 calibre. doesn’t stand at BR 1.0 but stands at BR 6.0? You don’t have to answer me it’s a rhetorical question so you can see where you went wrong with your reasoning.

Yes this is true, but you are also omitting some pretty important facts…The developers have increased the BR of all vehicles, not just 2s38, if I increase the BR of 2s38 by 0.3, but at the same time increase the BR of all high vehicles by 0.3, guess what 2s38 remains OP.

Anyway enough guys this talk is going round in circles… I feel like I’m repeating the same things when it comes to 2s38… everyone knows by now in every post I’ve visited or you have visited there has been in-depth discussion of its flaws and its merits, so you know very well what you are talking about, just as it is well known that the majority of players admit that 2s38 should increase BR.

I don’t like Russians; I just like their tanks.

11.0 means it can face 12.3 opponents, which is too high for a light tank like that.

NEWSFLASH the 2S38 is an SPAA IRL! I don’t even think they fire apfsds but here we are.

If they move it to the SPAA line, it’s going to cost fewer spawn points to spawn it.

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Pure comedy. The amount of cope about an overrated light tank is craaazy lol

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“You have a different opinion, how much is Gaijin paying you to disagree with me?”

“A YouTuber said it so it must be true!”

Please make an actual, structured argument as to why the 2S38 is too strong instead of vaguely gesturing towards Russian bias. Also, am I reading it wrong or do you not have a single ground vehicle above Rank VI?

High tier AAs have scouting.

So? You want to buff it by making it an SPAA?

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You missed the point… he was comparing it to why otomatic is 11.3 because it is an spaa yet the 2S38 is 10.3 with similar capabilities but can take a full apfsds loadout as well…

You dont even own 2s38 or OTOMATIC… like why you say this…

You guiys actually think the tanks play themselves??? LOL

Dude🤦‍♂️… Whether players have unlocked OTOMATIC or not, what I wrote remains true… OTOMATIC only has 12 APFSDS in battle, while 2s38 can carry 148 and can fire all 148 without the cannon overheating, which is just insane… My advice to you is to at least learn the mechanics of the game before you judge, or you look like a fool.

Anyway thanks, with your reply you’ve only reaffirmed what I’ve said before… that 2s38 fans try to create falsehoods when they want to protect their favourite OP tank, I think I’ve largely proven my point so feel free to reply to me but don’t freak out if I don’t feel like wasting any more of my time responding to your nonsense, I’d rather manage my time on other things.🥱

its what matters, since its not same to test and play against real players… Ground is not just rush and stuff, place yourself good and 2S38 will be free kill for you.

I agree but tell me how in the world are you gonna learn mechanics of vehicles you dont own and play?
Common make some sense.

If the RFD/LT can face them the 2S38 can face them aswell.
But rules are for the others and not for russian vehicles.

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I confirm the premium Ruski are coddled like spoiled children in this game.

A lot of premiums are. Like the sav20.12.48 and a6e.

I feel like they are handheld because their stats are pulled down by new players buying their way up the ranks.

No they didn’t.

Keep defending the 2S38.
As you admitted in another topic, you defend the 2S38 cause it’s your favorite tank in WT.

2S38 already moved up in BR.

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Since you have apparently also replied to me here on another topic in another post, clearly going off topic… Showing that as I said in the other post you indulge in incoherent thoughts or talk and start railing or raving. I’ll leave you part of the reply (For those who want to read the entire message in the other post can find it here so they get an idea of the discourse):

“Dude I never defended 2s38, the only one defending 2s38 is you, please avoid dumping your statements on me… I guess I have touched a nerve to have induced you to write such nonsense…”

High level (VI, V, VII, VIII) is made up of more than 50 vehicles not just those 2 vehicles you mentioned and as I already said all other vehicles have suffered the same BR increase of 0.3 or in some cases more than 2s38.

If before 2s38 was at 10.0 and was OP, now it is at 10.3 but at the same time they have raised the BR of all vehicles while keeping 2s38 OP.

It is absurd that you do not want to admit this fact.

Anyway as I already repeated in the other conversation in the other ost
I am definitely closing the conversation, you can continue with your rants, but I won’t answer you again.