IS-2 in the service of Hungarian People's Army

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IS-2 was a famous Soviet heavy tank designed during WW2 in response to German most advanced armored vehicles. It was produced in numbers (nearly 4000 exemplars by the end of conflict) and participated in many battles, it’s often called “Machine of Victory” in USSR.
Main advantages of the tank were a powerful large caliber 122 mm cannon and a rather good armor.
Postwar IS-2 tanks were supplied to different states of Warsaw Pact, such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, East Germany and Hungary, as well as few other countries around the Globe.
Hungarian People’s Army (Magyar Néphadsereg) received overall 68 copies of IS-2 which served until the Hungarian revolution of 1956, after this action all tanks were withdrawn from service and returned to USSR. During Hungarian service it participated in trainings and yearly Victory parades. At the time of revolution these tanks, unlike T-34s for example, weren’t used much by Hungarians, probably due to ammo shortages, the only known case was a single IS-2 tank without cannon shells was sent to protect the Ministry of Defense building from October 23rd to November 1st, although it didn’t take part in any combat.
In the service of Magyar Néphadsereg IS-2 tanks usually had Hungarian People’s Army roundel applied on the sides of the tank’s turret.
Btw in Hungarian language IS-2 type is usually disignated as “ISz-2”.



Length: 9.9 m

Width: 3.09 m

Height: 2.73 m

Weight: 46 tons

Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, loader, commander)


  • 122 mm D–25T tank gun (28 shells);

  • 1*12.7 mm DSKMT heavy machine gun (945 rounds) - optional;

  • 3*7.62 mm Degtyarev machine guns (1000 rounds).

Engine: 12-cylinder V–2 diesel engine

Power: 600 hp

Suspension: torsion spring

Fuel: 820 l

Range: up to 295 km

Maximum speed: 37 km/h (off-road: 19 km/h)
Armor profile:





  1. 56-65
  2. új fotó ISz-2 1944-es modell talán, MN -
  3. IS-2 - Wikipedia
  4. Páncélosok a forradalomban III. - Napi történelmi forrás

+1 Italy deserve some heavy tanks


The journey for an “Italian” heavy is long and arduous. +1 because Italy needs one really bad. Also, which variant is being suggested here? Both the angled and flat UFP versions appear in your pictures. I’d love to get them both.


I do agree. Italy needs a heavy tank

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-1 there no need for any more copy and paste.


I’ll put an +1/2.

Only one other nation (besides the USSR) has an IS-2, and Italy definitely needs a heavy tank. +1 for sure.


but there would be a need in YOUR Visegrad techtree??? (i voted no btw so it’s not about this post in particular)

There is simply no need for Italy to receive another heavy tank.
There is a Hungarian IS-2 in the tech tree, but it’s only there because it was the only vehicle that Hungary had to offer in this rank. (Other Hungarian vehicles that could have been used were taken up by more original alternatives).


To be fair, there IS a need for an Italian tech tree heavy as both the M26A1 and P40 are classified as mediums in game and the Hungarian Tiger is (rightfully so) a premium. Both the 44M Tas versions and the P43 will give Italian players the ability to do heavy tank-oriented tasks without being forced to purchase the aforementioned Tiger.


Yeah, why not. It was in service, so it belongs in the Hungarian sub-tree. Bring in the IS-2 and the TAS 80mm so we can have some non-P2P fun.


+1, but put it into a folder somewhere so that some people won’t mald over it being copy paste and will skip over it while the others can use it for lineup fillers


I would love for this to go into a Hungarian tech tree, not a combinded one with Italy though…



Qualified yes. While it would be a great addition to Italy due to them not having any heavy tanks, I would prefer to see the rest of the domestic Hungarian designs before this is added. +1 later down the line.


After some quick searches on the web and according to Chatgpt (take this with a grain of salt), both Hungary and Romania serviced IS-2s, and may also have had a few IS-3s delivered to them, but were quickly overshadowed by newer MBTs from SU and thus not used in service. If the sub-tech trees are going to be filled out, these are probably the only heavy tanks that could be added to the Italian tech tree, ever (other than the Tigris). With that in mind, i’ll go in favour of adding this to War Thunder, but would not normally be enthusiastic due to these tanks being copy/paste.


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I would much rather see the P.43 or the 44M Tas added, the game is far too gone from its roots to still hang on to the “historical accuracy” rules it started with since there is little to nothing historical about the game anymore, especially at higher brs with classified vehicles and weapons with made up statistics, ridiculous moba looking maps and a random match maker. Im not saying the devs should start making up vehicles like they do in wot but if there are detailed blueprints and information then why not? the copy and past is getting silly lately and i just personally never touch a vehicle that has been copy pasted, we want something new from the ww2 era for once its been a long time


No more copy and pasting!!!

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Maybe the P43 bis is a bit more than a blueprint ;)
Even though it’s photoshop, I could not resist using this image from the subreddit for comparison

The “bis” version of the P43 is armed with the Italian 90mm, so perhaps it could even find its way into a lineup with the 75 or 80mm armed 44M Tas. This dream is much more preferrable to me than the IS-2 in this suggestion.

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I agree with that, but if the developers don’t want to add the P.43 or the 44M Tas, the IS-2 would be a great alternative. Plus, Italy, Japan, and Sweden are the only tech trees missing a non-premium heavy tank